What is a good side hustle, and why do you need one?

What is a good side hustle?

We’ve all heard the term ‘side hustle’, but what does it really mean?

I’ve heard the term a lot in recent years. I’ve heard it used to mean additional employment outside of a regular, full time job. For example, people jumping onto Fiverr to earn some extra cash, or being an Uber driver at night and weekends.
A side hustle though is not an extra part-time job. A side hustle is not the gig economy, rather it is an asset that works for you.

So what is a side hustle?

A side hustle isn’t meant to be your primary income. Usually, side hustles are things that people have a particular passion for. I like to think of a side hustle as a business opportunity that someone starts that supports their personal growth, development, and entrepreneurial creativity, and to earn some extra money on the side.

The huge benefit of the side hustle is that it doesn’t require the huge commitment of leaving your current work or investing all of your time into something you’re not certain about. You keep your job and put whatever time you can into your new opportunity. It’s a win-win.

I meet people every day who would love to be able to follow their passions and start afresh with their careers, but for whatever reason, they feel as they can’t. They have concerns like:

  • They can’t afford to quit their job to start something new
  • They can’t afford to formally study to master what they’re passionate about
  • They feel that they are ‘wasting their time’ pursuing something they love, or that it is somehow not a responsible thing to do in the face of other commitments
  • Their families are relying on their existing income
  • They feel they do not have the skill or capability required to try something new and be successful
  • They don’t know if pursuing their passion will be something they can make work
  • Reluctance or hesitation about making big changes in their lives
  • They are worried about failing

For the majority of people, quitting your job to pursue your passion just can’t happen because of the reality of life – there are bills to pay and other people to take care of.

That’s where the side hustle comes in. You get to take a risk, that isn’t all that risky!

There is a famous quote that I love from the fabulous Tony Robbins. It is:

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

I love this quote, and I think it’s a great thought starter for people who want to make change, but haven’t yet. With a side hustle, you can make change and also retain the safety of your full time employment.

The top 5 reasons you need a good side hustle

1. Develop your skills, your experience, and your confidence

Even if you don’t start a side hustle for the purpose of developing your skills and experience, it is a likely outcome. Consider if your side hustle is to sell the artwork you’ve been creating online. You might learn how to build a website, build your brand, become more savvy with social media, develop a pricing strategy, learn more about marketing, engage with the community of buyers and understand their needs, and enhance your customer service skills. There are plenty more skills you will pick up along the way, all of which are transferable business skills.

There are other important things you will learn, too. Like whether you have the same passion for doing it as when you started, and whether you think it could turn into a profitable business. Either way, it will provide you with some clarity about what you want to do, or not do.

2. You will earn some extra money

One of the reasons many people start a side hustle is to earn some extra money. They may want to add to their savings, pay off their debts, or buy something that they wouldn’t be able to afford on just their regular salary. Whatever the reason, a good side hustle will generate some income for you.
If you are in debt, I truly believe that having a side hustle to pay off your debt faster is immensely valuable. You don’t want debt hanging over you and weighing you down.
If you’re really smart about it, you can use your side hustle to generate passive income for you, so it can work for you in the future. I’ll get to that in a moment.

3. It’s a low risk way to try something new, and anyone can do it

A side hustle is an awesome way to test the waters of other ventures without a full commitment. You don’t need to leave the security of a full-time job, or if you’re just not sure what you really want to do, side hustles can help you get there.

Ideally a side hustle won’t require much investment other than your time. There are so many side hustles out there, and you can find one that fits your passion and skill set if you really want to.

4. You have more time than you think

You think you don’t have time? But how much time do you spend watching Netflix?

As someone who never had time to do anything, it’s amazing how much extra time I managed to find by being smart about how I use it. When I started my side hustle, I was working full time with two young children. I managed to ‘find’ time by incorporating online learning into our weekend or after school activities. For example, if my boys had a sports lesson after school, instead of me waiting around doing nothing, I’d pull out my tablet and do an online learning module. Or I’d prepare a blog post. Or I would do something else that contributed in some way to my new business.

5. The Internet has made so much more possible

When you’re thinking about your side hustle, you don’t need to just think locally. You have the whole world at your finger tips! You can collaborate with people across the globe across a range of platforms.

You can do online learning without paying a fortune for it, and in many cases you can find excellent FREE online learning.

You can also do things online more easily now. Where things required technological expertise to set up a few years ago, there are now platforms you can access to set up online shops and websites that require no expertise. The possibilities are endless.

The best online hustle - the world is at your fingertips

The best online side hustles

There are so many options! Here are just a few:

  • Create a blog and monetise it
  • Become an affiliate marketer
  • Create online courses
  • Set up your services to manage small businesses social media channels
  • Write ebooks
  • Create YouTube tutorials
  • Sell products on Etsy
  • Set up your own WooCommerce store
  • Become a freelance article writer
  • Create a smartphone app

The very best online side hustle

I’m going to share with you my very favourite side hustle, which in my mind is something that ANYONE can do. Everyone has a hobby or something they are passionate about. You can turn that into a nice little side hustle.

Say you have a passion for recreational fishing, you just love it and you know all there is know about it. You think you’d love to turn this passion into something that makes money, but you’re not sure how to do it. There are ways! You could start a blog about fishing, and sell fishing related products.

Using affiliate marketing techniques, you can build a website about recreational fishing, and write about and sell products that related to recreational fishing. You never need to physically own the products you sell, you just need to know about them, and how to write about them. Every time someone purchases a product through your website, you make a commission.

There is no limit to what you can promote online. If a product exists, someone needs to sell it, and affiliate marketing is an EXCELLENT way for a seller to move their products, as they don’t need to pay for advertising to make the sale. That’s why you get the commission on it. When you enjoy the topic you write about and post regularly, you start to gain authority in your niche, and your website becomes a trusted resource. Over time, if you choose to, you can build this into a lucrative and sustainable business.

Take the first step to start your online side hustle

You can have your own online affiliate marketing business, and it is much easier to start than you think. You don’t need to give up your day job to make a start, and you can learn as you go. You don’t need to have any experience in building websites, or in marketing. You will be taught all of this via online learning. The platform that I use takes you through the process step by step.

You don’t need to pay anything to sign up. You can create a login and password and check it out for yourself. If it resonates with you, you can sign up for a premium membership which will you allow a comprehensive suite of training, resources, and up to 50 websites (25 of your own domain, 25 siterubix), fully hosted. This is something you can do in your spare time – that’s the whole point of the side hustle, that you do it out of hours when it suits you.

Explore the best online side hustle here
I have written about the features within the platform here. Have a look for yourself and see what you think!

You don’t need to have any special skills to start a hide hustle, and the people you know who have side hustles aren’t special – they’ve just taken a step to do something new. It can be hard to take the first step, but once you’ve taken it, you’re well on your way.

You never know, you’re side hustle may become your full time gig, and it might even turn out to be more profitable than your existing job. In fact, if you work hard at it, it’s achievable.

Please leave me or a comment or a question and I’m always happy to help.

20 thoughts on “What is a good side hustle, and why do you need one?”

  1. Yes I do agree with you side hustles are what makes us move on day by day, for we can be able to earn that extra dollar apart from my 8 to 5 rat race . I have been an online marketer for some time now and I can say this is a very ethical way of earning money besides my 8 to 5 one. 

    To me this has been Avery good side hustle thanks to Wealthy Affiliate they made it possible.

    • Hi Charles, you’re a Wealthy Affiliate member too! Affiliate marketing is an awesome way to build a business on the side, and I agree, it is an ethical way to earn money online. So glad you’ve had a great experience with Wealthy Affiliate too.

  2. I’m always on the lookout for a side hustle – one that I can hopefully grow into something that will provide a flexible working environment, but a steady source of income. Affiliate marketing is definitely something that I’m looking into, and hoping to make work for me! It’s great that it’s relatively low risk with minimal start up costs. 

    • Hi Fiona,
      Wishing you much success on your affiliate marketing journey! If ever you need a hand you’re welcome to reach out.
      All the best.

  3. This is a very helpful post about making some extra money with “side hustle”. I liked how you explain it and give reasons to start it. As you wrote the internet helps to find very good side hustle like affiliate marketing, blogging, etc. If someone join the Wealthy Affiliate program, they will able to earn money very fast with it and some months from the start it can turn into a job, not just a “side hustle.

    • Hi Gno,
      I’m glad you found this helpful. Depending on the amount of work you put in, the time between starting and making money will vary. Affiliate marketing is not typically something that will generate quick money. It does take time to build up your content and gain authority in your niche. But yes I do agree that over time it can become a full time job, not just a side hustle.
      All the very best to you.

  4. I started a blog a year ago and began using the affiliate marketing strategy to monetize it, currently not making a significant amount of money yet so it’s still considered a side hustle, but eventually I’d like to make enough money to be able to call it a full time hustle. But as you’re probably aware, being a blogger yourself, a website can take a year or more to grow big enough to make good money. You mentioned a few other good ideas for side hustles, which one would you say would bring in money the fastest?

    • Hi Kent,
      You’re right, it can take a while before consistent money starts to come in through affiliate marketing. It’s certainly a long term proposition as opposed to an instant money earner.
      With regards to something that would bring in money fastest, becoming an article writer for other people, or selling services to small businesses to manage social media I would suggest are the fastest money earners. It all depends on what you want out of your ‘side hustle’. If it’s to make fast money then I would think that finding a second job would be the way to go. If it’s to genuinely do something in your spare time to enhance an existing hobby, develop yourself, or see if you like it and ‘test’ whether it could be your next career, then making money fast probably isn’t the goal.
      I hope that’s helpful.
      All the very best.

  5. Hi Melissa,

    Thanks for sharing this helpful guideline about this topic. This topic  is very important for all. A side hustle is way to make money out side of our 9 to 5 job.It allows us to make more money that will give us the freedom to pursue our passions by thinks you need or want, and lower any financial worries. Thanks for giving us such helpful instructions.    

    • Hi Md moinul Islam,
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts here and I’m glad you found this helpful. Hopefully it has given you some inspiration!
      All the very best to you>

  6. WA is an amazing platform if someone wants to use it to make an affiliate marketing website. It provides so many tools that has no competition if you take into consideration the subscription cost. From hosting tools, writing tools, training, support and community it provides everything needed for a successful blog. There are many platforms out there but one that is so feature complete as WA I haven’t seen yet.

    • Hi Stratos,
      Wealthy Affiliate certainly does provide loads of value for money. And the awesome thing is they keep rolling out new features and improvements too. They just keep getting better but there is no price increase to match!
      All the very best to you.

  7. Side hustle is great and obviously having various sources of income is empowering. Anyway one needs a side hustle regardless of whether you can live easily off of your income, not just for covering costs but for several other reasons like you listed above.The web is loaded with accounts of people who began a business as a side hustle and because they were enthusiastic about it and afterward it transformed into their full-time job.

    • Hi Favour,
      Yes everybody has to start somewhere! And hard work and enthusiasm for a side hustle can most certainly translate into a full time job. Unfortunately many people will give up before they start to see any traction, because they want to see fast returns. If they stick it out for longer, it will start to pay off.
      All the very best to you.

  8. That quote is my favourite too and it’s with the inspiration I get from it that I took on the internet to find ways to make extra income. It wasn’t easy finding a good platform to guide you in the right direction because of scams also flooding the internet. As you said, the responsibility to take care of others and settle bills was a driving force for my hustle. And I count myself fortunate to have landed on a good platform where affiliate marketing has been my evergreen source of making money. 

    I must say the hustle is real and it pays provided one puts in the time and the effort. Thanks for sharing this. 

    • Hi DerrAd,
      I’m so glad you found a good platform to guide you. It makes starting something new so much easier when there is guidance and support.
      All the very best to you.

  9. Great post and good info.

    Im doing this for quite a while now, by using Fiverr, I’m playing videogames for people and get money by it. 

    It is a win win for us, since I get money and they get a better game and personage. 

    Anyway, there are so many side ways to earn money, so you should check it out 

    Thanks for sharing this good info! 

    • Hi Emmanuel,
      Sounds like you’re very astute at making money online! You should check out affiliate marketing as another way. All the very best to you.

  10. That is a great idea, on how to spend a spare time online doing something useful.Great articleBut how do I keep myself updated with all the new stuff (like tricks and tips) as an affiliate marketer?Because I have heard that in online business, there are constant changes. What used to work 10 years ago, might not work these days. – for example regarding the ranking in google.Are there any evergreen rules ?

    • Hi Michal,

      Great question. I’ve been to a few platforms that haven’t updated their training in a few years, and it’s just not good enough.
      With Wealthy Affiliate, the platform I spoke about in the post, they update their training regularly. They also have live weekly training with a dedicated live training coach. You can rely on getting the most up to date information.

      I also wrote an article a couple of weeks ago about some evergreen marketing strategies that continue to work. Here it is:


      If you’ve got any questions about the article, or about the Wealthy Affiliate platform, I’m very happy to help. Here’s a link to the platform if you’d like to have a look around:


      All the very best to you Michal.


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