Work from anywhere in the world online
Each month I like to recap about my work on the go. The last few months have been pretty hectic and I missed posting in February so I making up for it by posting about the last couple of months
Having a career from home means that I can work from WiFi wherever I choose in the world. Having an online business certainly does have the benefit of being able to work wherever I can get a WiFi connection. Even when I can’t get a WiFi connection, I still tether my laptop to my phone and away we go, or my trusty pen and paper make an appearance!
February is always a funny month for us. The kids went back to school but were still in denial about it and wanted to keep the adventures going. The weather was still amazing and on the weekends we tried to make the most of every moment we could. We definitely made the most of daylight savings and the weekends.
March has been getting cooler and cooler, and we’ve been spending more time indoors at playcentres, trampolining, and rockclimbing and whatever else we can think of to get out the excess energy.
Golf driving range
One of our newer experiences has been the driving range. We’re lucky enough to live near one and the boys have really taken to it. We spent quite a few hours there over a number of days, and sometimes I would have a go, and other times I would sit out and half watch and half work.
Of course work doesn’t always involve a laptop or a tablet. Sometimes being outside I like to think, reflect and plan. I sometimes think that in the ‘busyness’ of life we tend to forget about reflection. For me reflection is important. I consider things I did well, and things I didn’t do so well. I consider things I should stop doing, and things I should start doing. I reflect on where I’m at and where I would like to be. I consider what the gap is and think of a plan to move forward.
Our favourite beach
One particularly lovely Sunday we headed to our local beach with our boogie boards for a swim and a play. I wasn’t up for boogie boarding that day and I sat on the sand and listened to a webinar whilst watching my boys enjoying the water.
Adventure Park
So this was a first for me. We have this great water adventure park about an hour away from us, and it’s ALWAYS a fun day. Like so much fun. I obviously don’t take my laptop or anything because I enjoy the fun too. However, there are times when there’s things I don’t do, like the rollercoaster and some of the other rides, and there’s plenty of time where I’m waiting in the shade while the boys are queuing for rides and going on rides. (We are talking quite a few hours!)
This particular photo is of a mini rollercoaster. Much fun was being had
I took the time to test my site on mobile and review menu structures.
One of our favourite parks
We have a favourite park, and we tried to squeeze in as much time as we could while the weather was still lovely. We visit this park many times a week, and the kids will often run into friends or go and play, so I get a little bit of work done in an environment that I love, knowing that my gorgeous kiddos are having a great time.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the “views from my office” this month. As you can see, when you work online, you can literally work from anywhere you feel like. I often work while I’m taking the kids out to activities that I’m not taking part in. That way, they get to do all the things they want to do, and I manage to get some of my work done whilst also enjoying the experience of the kids having a good time. It’s a win-win for us all.
It’s isn’t just about working out and about. I love to work from my kitchen table, sometimes on the couch, and sometimes from my favourite armchair. Depending on the weather and the noise level, sometimes I love to work from one of our balconies.
The great thing about working from home is that you have the choice. You choose to work from wherever you want, whenever you want. Sometimes if I’m not sleeping all that well, I’ll get up in the middle of the night and work. The point is, when you work online it’s up to you.
You too can make money from anywhere
It isn’t just a select few people who can make money from anywhere. It can be you too. You just need to know how.
Read about how you can do that with the best way to make money online.
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Having an online career from home really does give you the freedom to balance work and life.
Why not the explore the platform and see for yourself? It might be one of the best decisions you'll make. Go ahead and get your free account today and take it for a test drive.
Drop me a note. Where is your favourite office location?
This is an awesome article. If one can find an online work to do, that is going to give one financial independent and I have always wanted this and thank God I found your article , it has really informed me on the next step to take to achieve my online goal. Thanks for sharing this informative and educative post. I will start following you to get more information.
Hi Lok,
Thank you! Let me know how you go. I’m here if you’ve got any questions. All the very best.
Your view on reflection touched me a lot. I agree with you, reflection should become part of our everyday life. Everyone needs to learn to detach his/herself from the hustling and bustling of everyday life and really have a one-on-one communication within his soul and spirit. Reflection brings healing. Being able to work online anywhere is one advantage of using wifi. I’m more concerned about the security aspect. Intruders can eavesdrop messages if it is not properly secured. What is your view on security?
Hi Tolu,
I’ve not been too concerned about security. If I have doubts about a WiFi connection I simply tether to my own phone and use the 4G network.
Great post and good info.
I’m an affiliate marketer for exactly à year now, and I like it. I have my own home business, work when I want, we go out when we want, no more boss or stuff like that. We go to holiday whenever we want and where we want. About the WiFi, I was struggling with it, but Orange, at least here in Belgium, developed a very good thing, called the Flybox. I take it to everywhere and I have internet, no matter where!
Hi Emmanuel,
That’s awesome! Travelling wherever you want, whenever you want, with WiFi so you can work if you want – well to me that’s just the ideal lifestyle! Love it!
Wishing you all the very best.
I’m happy to read this lovely post about working from home. I would say it an eye opener. I also love the way you highlighted your points.those pictures are best describe the article. I have been following your blog posts for a long time because your posts are always educative and informative. I must tell you this is not an exception.thanks for the review
Hi Adamu2,
Thanks for your kind words and I’m glad you enjoy my blog. I appreciate you telling me that.
I wish you all the very best.
Hi Melissa,
I feel you with your idea of “work from WiFi”, it certainly gives you the incentives of being flexible with your times. And sometimes we need that kind of flexibility – for me, the flexibility actually facilitates my creative process in getting the job done. Like you said, “work doesn’t always involve a laptop or a tablet” but also the thought process behind it.
It’s hard sometimes for people to understand that I actually aren’t as FREE as I look; I may have even upset a few for my lack of interactions. How can I go about to let people understand that I am actually busy at times?
Hi Charlene,
I understand what you mean! It might look like you’re not doing a whole lot, but you’re actually working hard. Eventually they will understand that your work is ‘actual work’, and perhaps you could help them understand that more by sharing your blog posts or your work with them and say ‘this is what I was working on today’.
All the very best to you Charlene.
Nice post, it’s my delight reading this wonderful post. Thanks for sharing your work strategies with us. I can categorically say the great summary of the post to me is setting our priorities right and doing the right thing always no matter the distractions. Am a victim of this before but this post has give great insights on time management. I want to ask that not committed to one’s work especially online business at the present of my distractions, does it means not setting my priority right?
Hi Topazdude,
Are you saying that you’re not committed to your online business at the moment and you are getting too distracted?
I think sometimes that just happens because life happens. Things that are happening around us don’t stop just because we have things to do. Sometimes I don’t get as much work done as I’d like because other priorities take over, and it is what it is. If it’s happening so often that you’re not progressing anywhere with your business, then perhaps you haven’t prioritised it enough.
I wish you all the best with your online business