What is SeahMoney.xyz? It’s a Scam. Run.

SeahMoney Review

Earlier this week I saw a person on social media pushing a website that looked a bit familiar to me. It’s called SeahMoney and immediately my spidey senses were on high alert.

I started doing my research and I realised quickly why it was familiar. I’ll talk more about that a little later.

You may have come across SeahMoney.xyz and heard that you can make some money online with SeahMoney. You may be wondering what it’s all about, and whether SeahMoney is a scam or a legitimate way to make money online. I’m glad that you’re here doing your research about SeahMoney, because hopefully this will save you some time, frustration, money and heartache.

My SeahMoney review will take you through the following sections:

  • What is SeahMoney?
  • How SeahMoney works
  • Is SeahMoney legit?

What Is SeahMoney.xyz?

What is SeahMoney?

Some basic info:

  • Website: http://seahmoney.xyz
  • Brought to you by: Unknown
  • Price: Free to join
  • Recommended: Not under any circumstances!

In theory, SeahMoney sounds pretty impressive. All you need to do is watch commercial advertising, and be credited up to 20 cents to your account for each ad unit. You can also attract referrals and get 50% of their earnings transferred to your account.

According to the website, “your earnings are practically unlimited and depend on the time you spend in front of your PC. Working on the average 3-5 hours a day, you can get paid from 50$ to 300$ or even more to your account.”

They say that depending on how many ads you watch, and how many referrals you have, for approximately 2 to 3 hours of work a day, you can make $6,000 per month using SeahMoney.

They go on to say that all earned funds can be paid to your bank card or electronic account within 1 hour of your request. Sounds impressive right? Who wouldn’t want to earn some quick and easy extra cash and then get the money within an hour? Need a quick few hundred dollars? Just jump into SeahMoney, let the ads run, and make some fast money!! Get your friends to do it, then earn even more!!

Is that the reality though? Let’s find out.

How SeahMoney works

Every ad unit is 6 ads, and at the end of each ad unit, you fill in a captcha code of 3 digits, then hit ‘continue’. You’ll then be credited your 20 cents into your SeahMoney account, and presented with the next set of 6 ads. It’s really simple and if you can type fast you can see how the money would start to stack up reasonably quickly.

And for every person you refer who earns 20 cents, you will earn 10 cents. Imagine if you referred all of your friends, and they each earnt a few hundred dollars a week?

There’s even a leader board which shows some really impressive daily earnings:

SeahMoney top earners

Well, before we get too excited, not everything is at is seems.

To be clear I have NOT signed up for this website, because I don’t want to input any of my details into the site, so the payout aspect is simply what I have uncovered from others who have attempted to get paid from this site.

Based on the research I have done, once you’ve signed up to the free site you start watching ads and you go to get your first payment. It is at that point that SeahMoney advise you that the minimum payout amount is $150 USD for the first amount, and then the threshold reduces to $5 USD once you’ve passed that hurdle. The website does not tell you this though, you receive a pop up window that tells you that when you try to cash out for a lesser amount.

So, you keep watching ads in order to meet the requirement. Once you’ve reached the $150 USD threshold, and invested significant amounts of your time (and likely been pretty bored in the process), you attempt to get your pay. It’s at the point where you’ve met the $150 threshold that yet another obstacle is thrown at you from out of nowhere. You need to have referred 40 people in order to get paid.

Wait, what? It doesn’t say that’s a requirement on the website or when you sign up?

So you madly scramble to get 40 of your friends signed up, even though you’re starting to get annoyed. Because after all, you’ve really earned that $150 USD. Now don’t worry at all if you can’t genuinely attract 40 people to the site. You can buy the referrals and that will expedite your payment. Buying them only costs $20, so you’ll be still make $130.

Great – so now you’ve purchased the 40 referrals and now it’s time for your payout. You’ve worked pretty hard for this now.

But wait – there’s another obstacle. Now you get another pop up window that tells you that your account is not approved, and you’ll need to wait 30 to 60 days for approval. That’s a bit rubbish though, because you want your money now. You’ve already jumped through hoops and you were expecting to be paid. Well never fear, you can choose the ‘quick verification’ option to have your account approved immediately. All you need to do is send them $10 into a bitcoin account. Then you’ll be paid within 5 to 10 minutes.

You know what though?

You will NEVER be paid. Not ever. All you’ve done so far is watch ads for several hours, paid $20 for referrals and $10 in bitcoin. So whilst the platform is free, you’ve parted with $30 and wasted a lot of time. You may have even recommended it to your friends and family, and you’ll need to tell them to proceed no further.

I have never actually found anyone who has been paid anything from this site.

Wait – there is more! And I do mean literally more. There are several sites I’ve found so far that are clones of SeahMoney that are exactly the same except for the name.

They have the same Leader Board (with the same ‘top earners’), and the same ‘support’ page (which is really not a support page at all). The ones I’ve found so far include:





And more, again all with the same website:

  • EyxMoney.xyz
  • VzeMoney.xyz
  • BciMoney.xyz
  • YunMoney.xyz
  • FoxMoney.xyz
  • BicxMoney.xyz
  • BimMoney.xyz
  • TbiMoney.xyz
  • FniMoney.xyz
  • MlaMoney.xyz
  • DpyMoney.xyz
  • OnoMoney.xyz
  • IreMoney.xyz
  • PdaMoney.xyz

There are probably even more of these sites out there that I haven’t found yet. If you’ve seen any, be sure to let me know in the comments and I’ll add them to the list.

The Verdict: Is SeahMoney A Scam Or Is SeahMoney legit?

Hopefully it is very clear by now that the verdict on SeahMoney is not a good one!

  • SeahMoney is a scam through and through
  • Avoid it like the plague
  • Do not share this with your friends or family
  • Just stay away from this one

Why was SeahMoney Familiar?

When I was doing my research on SeahMoney, I realised it was almost identical to a site (and many clones of that site) that I’d researched a couple of years ago called EcaMoney. The model is almost identical, and the site even looks the same. It seems the major difference is that they have added additional hurdles to be paid.

There are Proven Ways to Make Money Online

Check out my list of legitimate ways to Earn Extra Money From Home. This includes freelancing sites, cash back sites, get paid to sites, using your skills sites, surveys, website testing and other writing platforms.

You can also check out an awesome way to make money through creating your own affiliate marketing websites here. This is my preferred way to make money online.

If you have any comments or questions please leave them below, and I’m always happy to help you out.

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