What is Millionaire Society? My Millionaire Society Review

My Millionaire Society Review

What is Millionaire Society?

Let’s start with the basics of Millionaire Society.

Website: http://www.millionairesociety.com

Brought to you by: ‘Mack Michaels’, not the creator’s real name

Price: $4.95 for the first week, then $97 per month plus upsells

Recommended: No


What is Millionaire Society?

Millionaire Society, like other similar sites I’ve come across recently, is a site that is largely based around an introductory video and link to sign up. There is little information about the company on the homepage. The privacy policy says that Millionaire Society is owned by “Epicentre Enterprises”, however the earnings disclaimer says the site is owned by “Maverick Enterprises”. There is no contact information available until you sign up as a member, which is not ideal.

The introductory video, like so many I’ve seen in my travels, has some pretty big claims. Here’s a snapshot of a few:


Millionaire Society Review

I always get a little concerned when things are branded as being ‘automated internet businesses’. It implies that there is no work involved. It implies that you switch something on, and the money will flow in like a tap, while you watch it all happen. He calls it the Millionaire Society Turnkey Business System.

Millionaire Society Review‘Mack’ says that the system can make you $262,800 per year. This is broken down a number of times in the video to explain that is a $720 daily rate, or a $30 per hour rate “on autopilot”. Yes, he did actually say “on autopilot”. He goes on to say:

Millionaire Society Review

Really? Only one button?

He says “in the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how you can easily make a boatload of cash on the internet without FaceBook marketing, without Twitter marketing, without affiliate marketing, without paid advertising, without useless outsourcing, without buying endless products, and without financial commitment.” He goes on to say, “once this video is over, you will know exactly how my system works, and how you will use it.”

That’s interesting – no social media marketing, affiliate marketing or paid advertising! I wonder what they mean then? What is this Turnkey Business System all about?

The video then ramps things up a notch. He says “remember that $30 I was making? That was just from ONE turnkey business. You get 135 immediately available to you!”


Millionaire Society Review

So, you get the 15 minute ‘turnkey internet business’ to set up, then access to another 135 businesses that you can also set up. According to Mack, if you set up 100 of these turnkey businesses, you could be making over $3,000 per hour.

But wait, there’s more!!

Mack says he adds another five turnkey businesses every week! He says that “every week, you’ll be adding more income streams to your business on autopilot.”

The idea is that there are websites already set up for you, so you don’t need to worry about choosing niches, researching products, writing reviews etc. It is already done for you. They are professionally designed, professionally written, and professionally hand built.

Again Mack indicates that it’s so easy. You just join up and everything will be taken care of for you:


Millionaire Society Review

At this point I’m still not really clear about HOW I make the money. Sure, I get ready-made websites, but how I do get traffic to those websites if I don’t actually DO anything? Because presumably everyone else gets the very same websites I get? So I’m not clear about what they are proposing just yet. I keep going with the video.

Mack starts to use the ‘scarcity’ tactic. You are encouraged not to delay because he can’t take on new members forever! He can’t promise that you can join later. Have you got FOMO yet?

Mack promises that there will be many free surprises once you sign up. Something tells me that there will be surprises too…

I don’t know about you, but I’m not really believing Mack. By the end of the video, I’m still none the wiser about how all of my turnkey businesses make money.


Is Millionaire Society a scam??


Millionaire Society Price

The price to sign in and have a look around the system is $4.95. This will provide you with one week of access to the members area. Beyond that it will cost you $97 per month, or $1,164 per year.

One thing that did make me feel less slimy after watching the video was that there was a promise of a 100% money back guarantee for any reason.

Payment is made through Clickbank, which is a reputable digital products platform.

When you do sign up to pay the $4.95 for week 1, you are authorising that future months are also paid for. That means, for the many people who want to pay just $4.95 to have a look around and see if it will work for them, if they don’t like it they must remember to cancel. If they don’t cancel, they’ll be hit with the $97 charge a week later. I think that’s a bit of a dirty tactic. People don’t think twice about $4.95, but they do when it comes to recurring charges of $97. If you’re not careful, you’ll be billed whether you’re interested in retaining it or not.


How does Millionaire Society actually work?

I was still very unclear about the mechanism for making money after watching the video so I had to continue researching. Millionaire Society Review

It turns out that Millionaire Society teaches you to sign up for an advertising platform (adf.ly) to advertise your page (or multiple pages). With adf.ly, you pay for visitors on your websites. Campaigns start for about $5. It is important to note that you will not necessarily receive targeted traffic to your site using adf.ly, as they are not necessarily searching for the products you are attempting to sell. It may result in people on your pages, but I believe the result will be a very low conversion rate.

Millionaire Society ReviewThere is an upsell within Millionaire Society, and that is for Keyword Spy.

Keyword Spy is a minimum of $89 per month. It allows you to track your traffic.

I don’t know about you, but it’s starting to sound like I’m going to have to do a lot more than ‘click one button’. In fact, it’s sounding like Millionaire Society don’t take care of everything for me, it’s sounds a lot like I have to work really hard to drive traffic to my sites.

It’s sounding a lot like I have to pay for quite a few things too in order to make that happen. It’s sounding like I might need to learn a whole of new skills that I probably need in order to make this ‘autopilot’ business a success. It’s not sounding very ‘autopilot’ at the moment.

Millionaire Society do not teach you how to get free traffic, only paid traffic. If you like free things, like me, then this will not be your cup of tea.

They do not teach you SEO (search engine optimisation) – the best (and free!) way to drive traffic to your site.

The model of Millionaire Society is that you are actually downloading Private Label Rights (PLR) products and reselling them other people. PLR products are often low quality products that can be resold to anyone.


Is Millionaire Society a scam? Is Millionaire Society a scam?

I won’t go so far as to say it’s a scam, but it certainly has several characteristics I don’t like. The video, in my view, is VERY misleading. With the business model they have (which they are not forthcoming about = red flag), I don’t believe that you would make much money, if any at all. If I were you, I would avoid Millionaire Society. I believe the only person making substantial money from Millionaire Society is the creator of Millionaire Society.

And, whilst I know I’m generalising, I am always dubious of anything with ‘Millionaire’ in the title when it comes to making money online. Beware!


There ARE legitimate ways to make money online

Always go with a legitimate platform that doesn’t make over the top claims. Find out more about the company by reading reviews. A reputable website will provide contact information, detail about what it is they do and how they do it, and some will even let you have a look around the platform to test it out for free first.

If you are looking for a more substantial and long term way to make real money online, have a look at my top choice:



If you have any comments or questions please leave them below, and I’m always happy to help you out.


18 thoughts on “What is Millionaire Society? My Millionaire Society Review”

  1. Wow – all you need is 15 minutes and you can create an internet business that looks after itself…a big red flag to start things off with really!

    I also love the way that they’ve spent a lot of money putting a decent landing page video together…only to exclude the methods you will be using to primarily build this autopilot business! 

    I’ve been interested in setting up an internet business for quite some time now, and I did notice the opportunity that you included in the final paragraph of this review – is it suitable to newcomers?

    • Hi Chris,
      Yes the opportunity I mentioned, Wealthy Affiliate, is absolutely suitable to newcomers. There is training and support available and it is appropriate for beginners and experienced marketers alike.

      There is more information here if you’d like to check it out:

      Thanks for stopping by Chris and I wish you all the best.

  2. Yeah, I figured that was the case with Millionaire Society and good thing I checked first. I appreciate your thorough review which kept me from going forward with them. I also wanted to thank you for your suggestion at the end to go with a legitimate platform like WA. I’ll be following you recommendation. Thank you.

    • Hi Lev, awesome news. I hope you let me know how you go and if you need anything.
      Cheers and thanks for stopping by,

  3. Honestly, I am trying to avoid such things because we all know that earning money with a click of button is impossible. This is pure scam and nothing else. You did great job doing review because people should know what awaits them when they search for making money online. Such programs only want money from customers.

    • Hi Daniel, I couldn’t agree more. The only winners are the ones who set this kind of thing up. There are far better ways to make money online, and it is not at the click of a button.

  4. Internet business as always been red herring for me for meany years. I almost thought everyone making money online was dubious. Frankly following research and post like yours opened my eyes and helped me to develop a stragtegy to make money online.

    I’ve been interested in setting up an internet business for quite some time now, and I did notice the opportunity that you included in the final paragraph of this review – I am happy I am using the advise already.

    Thanks for your post

    • Hi Padedayo, I’m so glad you’ve already found WA. I hope it’s going well there for you.
      All the very best.

  5. I’ve checked out the video for Millionaire Society and frankly I didn’t finish watching.  I commend you on digging deeper and sharing the details you discovered.

    Major red flags for me when I start to hear bold claims of super cash instantly.  If that were the case…why would they share?  And why would they need my $97 a month if they can ring the register at $3,000 per hour.  Just silly.

    I clicked through on your affiliate link to start a business.  Do you need to have your own website to do this?  

    Thanks for the great info!

    • Hi Tim, thanks. Re the link I shared to Wealthy Affiliate, you don’t need to have your own website already. Part of what they will teach you is how to set one up. They will then teach you, over a number of comprehensive lessons, how to monetise that website. One of the many great things about it is they never at any stage give the misapprehension that you can do any of this at the click of a button.
      Thanks Tim and I wish you all the best.

  6. I have been looking for an internet business quite some time now, so I am happy that I found your review of Millionaire Society before spending any time on it. To start with, I was shocked to see their price! Then where you write about all the available niche websites that the participants do not have to do anything with – I don’t even know how to react. Is there anyone who believes them??? Anyone who has ever tried to make a site, knows how much time and effort it takes. I really hope that people will stay away from this scam.

    • Hi Kisumu, unfortunately I think there are a few people who fall for this kind of thing. Sometimes people want so badly for something to be legitimate that they might ignore the red flags, or down play any aspects that may not ring true. Sadly it is often vulnerable people. Hopefully though people are getting a bit more savvy and searching for reviews on this type of thing before parting with any of their hard earned money.
      I know I research EVERYTHING now!
      Thanks for stopping by and I wish you all the best.

  7. According to your review i found millionaire society a scam because it is impossible to earn online money without advertising your business on facebook , twiter which are the social network collecting many people around the world.

    Many sites are using scam program to steal our money but i ask myself if there isn’t any online authority which can punish them?

    Thank you for sharing i am happy that due to this review i will not try this site.

    • Hi Julienne, thanks for stopping by and I’m very pleased you won’t be trying this site!

  8. Thanks for sharing. I agree with you – I’m not ready to label it an out and out scam, but the murky nature of the “offer” plus the over the top claim would have me running in the other direction. Like Earl Nightingale once said, “The only place where they “make” money is the US mint.The rest of us have to earn it.” And the only way to earn it is through education, time and effort. There is no sure-fire magic formula that will guarantee success, but there ARE real possibilities to earn by providing valuable service – service that is meaningful to someone, or many someones. Millionaire Society ain’t it.


    • Hi Norman, I love that Earl Nightingale quote! It’s very appropriate here : )
      Thanks so much for stopping by and I wish you all the best!

  9. This looks very much like it could be from the same people that put together the 12 Day Millionaire scam that you reviewed recently. It is full of red flags. Anything that promises you can get rich by spending 15 minutes to set up an automated system that doesn’t require your input is a scam in my book. I think the only person getting rich is him.

    Thanks for that very informative review.

    • Hi Greg, yes there are lots of similarities between Millionaire Society and 12 Day Millionaire. There are probably a hundred more out there that follow a similar model. Thankfully to most people the red flags are enough for us to run for the hills.
      All the very best.


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