What is Coffee Shop Millionaire? My Coffee Shop Millionaire Review

My Coffee Shop Millionaire Review

Coffee Shop Millionaire Review


You may have heard about an amazing program that teaches how to make a full time income known as Coffee Shop Millionaire. It’s sold as a lifestyle business that allows you to work from wherever you want, whenever you want. You may be wondering what it’s all about, and whether Coffee Shop Millionaire is a scam or a legitimate way to make money online. I’m glad that you’re here doing your research about Coffee Shop Millionaire – it’s always smart to do your research before signing up. I hope you find this review helpful.

Before I continue, it’s important that you know I’m not affiliated with Coffee Shop Millionaire, I do not wish to make any profits from this program from any of my readers.

My Coffee Shop Millionaire review will take you through the following sections:

  • What is Coffee Shop Millionaire?
  • How Coffee Shop Millionaire works
  • Is Coffee Shop Millionaire legit?
  • My recommended way of making money online


What is Coffee Shop Millionaire?

Some basic information about Coffee Shop Millionaire:

  • Website: https://coffeeshopmillionaire.com
  • Brought to you by: Anthony Trister
  • Price: $37 per month plus upsells
  • Recommended: No, read on and I’ll tell you why.

If you can’t be bothered reading on and just want to go straight to my top recommendation, then click here:

How Coffee Shop Millionaire works

Coffee Shop Millionaire is an internet based training course designed to help people make money online. In a nutshell, Coffee Shop Millionaire provides a high level overview of selling digital marketing services to local businesses. It is sold as being something that will take you some time to set up, but then after that you can expect to see the money rolling in fairly quickly. It is pitched that once it's set up, you only need to work for a few hours of a few, say from a coffee shop or wherever you like.

There is twelve modules of training that will give you information on how to get started in internet marketing. There is also additional videos, a forum and a community you can interact with.

You will get a blueprint showing you how to make $21K in just a few weeks from scratch.

Coffee Shop Millionaire also touches on email marketing, video marketing and article marketing.

Here's a screen shot from the sales video:

Coffee Shop Millionaire Review

Anthony goes to great pains to tell us that making money won't happen overnight and that it takes work ... but he also says that you could make up to $21,000 in just a few weeks.

Pros of Coffee Shop Millionaire

Anthony Trister is a real person who puts his face and name to the program. Whilst you might be thinking 'so what?', there are so many products out there with fake founders and people unwilling to identify themselves, so see and hear a real person in a video was quite refreshing.

Anthony's advice in his video about getting started online is sound. He makes the following three recommendations:

  1. Don't quit your job first
  2. You don't need any technical expertise
  3. When you have a system that works, follow it closely

Whilst I don't endorse Coffee Shop Millionaire, this approach to making money online is a good one.

There is a 60-day money back guarantee available through Clickbank.

Cons of Coffee Shop Millionaire

The urgency timer to get to purchase quickly is very off-putting.

The price to make a start is very reasonable - $37 in fact. However, once you're in there is an upsell waiting for you for $297. This will get you the Six Figure Success Club. Now of course you do not have to buy it, but you're already in and won't be giving yourself the best chance of succeeding if you don't go got the next step.

You'll also need to purchase a domain for your website, and hosting. Domains aren't expensive, but hosting can be, so you'll need to do your research there. So your $37 investment is starting to get more expensive by the moment.

There really is not enough information to truly teach you email marketing, video marketing and article marketing. So if you're new to internet marketing, you'll be left wondering where the detail is. You will need more information if you're going to make a go of it. What you will get is really a far cry from what is pitched on the sales page, but that’s the truth about the Coffee Shop Millionaire - it is a basic, introductory course. You won't be raking in the money anywhere as easily or as quickly as Anthony says. Even the most experienced online marketers don't make this kind of money when they're starting something new from scratch.

Is Coffee Shop Millionaire legit or is Coffee Shop Millionaire a scam?

I can't call this product a scam, because it does offer a refund within 60 days, and there is certainly a product there that can pave a foundation for you to start an online business. At the end of the day though, you have to really ask yourself why anyone would sell a product for only $37 if it was able to make you $21,000 within a couple of weeks. The fact is that the product cannot do that.

Coffee Shop Millionaire is certainly over hyped and the claims are totally unrealistic.

My advice is to stay away from Coffee Shop Millionaire and other courses like it that claim to teach you how to make fast money online without much effort.

There is an excellent way to make money online

Don’t waste your hard-earned money on shiny objects that over promise and under deliver. If they sound far too good to be true, they probably are.

When I got started in internet marketing I looked for a training program that was well-rounded and would provide me with genuine knowledge that I could use to build my own business. I was lucky enough to find it.
If you are looking for a substantial and long term way to make real money online, go for something that is reputable. My preferred platform allows people to sign up for free to have a look around and see if it’s for them. You even get two free websites, and the first ten modules of training for free. You can thoroughly test it out and ask around the platform to confirm that it's genuine.

What you see is what you get. Nothing hidden, and nothing over promised. I personally use this platform and it is a genuine way to learn how to make money online the right way, using legitimate techniques and methods. You will be taught how to implement the affiliate marketing model:

The Affiliate Marketing Model

Remember that once you have built your own niche website and learnt how to attract visitors (using free methods), you can repeat this with as many of your own websites as you like.

The platform is perfect for ANYBODY who wants to find a way to earn money online. You don’t need experience, and you don’t need to be technical.

Explore the platform and get your free account today. It might be one of the best decisions you’ll make.

If you have any questions for me please ask and I'm always happy to help.

6 thoughts on “What is Coffee Shop Millionaire? My Coffee Shop Millionaire Review”

  1. I’ve heard some good words about Coffee Shop Millionaire during the last few days and I was thinking about purchasing it. Your review was very helpful but I can’t really understand why you are not actually recommending the product.

    Its price is very affordable, it has a 60-day, money-back guarantee, and it doesn’t sound like all the other scammy products which claim to make you rich overnight without any effort…

    • Hi Harry,

      The ridiculous claims of making $21K in a few weeks, the up sells, the need to purchase hosting and the fact that the training is all very light on are some of the reasons why I’m not recommending it. Just because something has a 60 day money back guarantee doesn’t make it a good product in my view. Yes there are certainly much scammier products out there, but that doesn’t make this one any good – in my opinion.


  2. Like seriously!? Who would sell a $21000 making money business for just 37$. Firstly. I must commend you for taking your time to have this review about coffee shop millionaire. My love for coffee took me to the website and it kind of looked too good to be true to me that’s why I carried out this research and truly, it is too good to be true. I just don’t like any platform with upsells and false claims. I’d rather not waste my money and energy on this. Great post!


    • Hi RoDarrick,
      I know, isn’t it crazy? If we could genuinely make $21K in a few weeks for $37 we’d all be doing it. But alas this is too good to be true.
      All the best,

  3. Such a shame to hear this, as the product title ‘Coffee Shop Millionaire’ is quite a good one, and the maker obviously put a lot of thought into it’s catchy appearance! 

    Personally I never trust any training or product that comes with a ‘blueprint’ that will teach you to earn an exact amount – how can anyone possibly guarantee they will be able to teach you how to create $21K in just a few weeks from scratch?

    They can’t, can they?

    Not for me. 

    • Hi Chris,
      I often wonder why they’re so specific too with the amounts. This is like so many other products that over promise and under deliver.
      All the best Chris.


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