Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special

Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special 2019

Friday November 29 2019, to Monday December 2 2019

I’m so excited to tell you that the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special is nearly here. Whilst most Black Friday deals I see are about ‘buying more stuff’, this Black Friday special is one that could actually change your life. “Change your life? – that’s a bit much!” I hear you say.

Well actually, it is the truth.

When you really think about it, you probably don’t need more ‘stuff’ in your life. You’ve probably got enough products. Your TV is probably big enough. Your phone is probably good enough. You probably don’t need that new handbag, or those shoes. You’ve already got enough pairs of jeans. Your furniture is probably just fine. But quite possibly there are other things in your life that you would like to change? Perhaps you’ve been wondering:

  • How can I earn more money?
  • How can I work more flexibly?
  • How can I spend more time at home?
  • How can I change my career whilst still working?
  • How can I learn a whole new set of skills, from home, with no savings?
  • How can I live the laptop lifestyle without being a techie?
  • How can I work online, anywhere?

Wealthy Affiliate has changed my life in many ways and I’m really proud to share my thoughts and feelings about it with you.

Wealthy Affiliate has taught me a whole new profession, from the comfort of my lounge room (and sometimes whilst on the beach, and while my kids are doing their after school and weekend activities). As a result I have built profitable websites that are all mine, that I am utterly proud of. In fact, I’m building another one as we speak, all by following very straightforward videos, checklists and webinars. Not only that, it’s a whole lot of fun too. I never thought that I would have my own money making websites, but alas here I am! I don’t have a technical bone in my body :). You can do the same thing too.

Trust me, if I can, you can.

Have you ever just wished that someone would give you the answer? That you’d find something that could really help make a positive change to your life? What if this was the answer for you?

What is Wealthy Affiliate all about?

To put it very simply, Wealthy Affiliate will teach you the affiliate marketing model.

Learn how to make money online anywhere!

The basics of affiliate marketing are:

  • Choose an interest – it can be anything!
  • Build a website based on your interest
  • Attract visitors to your website
  • Visitors make purchases though links on your website
  • Earn revenue when visitors make purchases from your site

You will be provided with the tools and support needed in order for you to create a sustainable and profitable business. Once you know how to do it, you can rinse and repeat for as many websites as you want to build.
Here’s an idea about who can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate.

The opportunity is out there

In 2021, over 2.14 billion people worldwide are expected to buy goods and services online, up from 1.66 billion global digital buyers in 2016. (Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/251666/number-of-digital-buyers-worldwide/).
These people are your audience, and they are searching for things all the time.

They are looking for information, solutions to problems and to buy stuff. That is where you, as an affiliate marketer, come in with your website and help these audiences by offering them information about what they are looking for. You will be helping your audience, and you will earn revenue in the process.
Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special 2019
If you don’t know where to start, that’s OK. You’ll be shown how to do it, step by step.

Act now for the best business to start from home

Tap into the fastest growing business platform in the world. With affiliate marketing, you can capitalize on any idea, interest, or passion that you have. No experience necessary, no product required. Turn your love of something into a lucrative business.

This is the way you can start your own business that belongs to you and not someone else, from your own home, by yourself, for very little money.

This is the best Black Friday purchase you’ll ever make, because you will be investing in your own financial future.

If you join between Friday 29 November and Monday 2 December, the cost for the year is only $299. It is usually $359 if you pay annually, or $49 per month. That’s only $0.82 per day to build your own business, including websites and hosting.
Here’s a breakdown of what you can get for your $0.82 per day:

  • extensive and up to date training, including a live class once a week
  • access to a community of like-minded people who help each other out
  • 50 websites (25 site rubix and 25 of your own domains) fully hosted
  • the ability to ask questions and receive answers
  • access to 24/7 site support
  • a state-of-the-art website building platform
  • the opportunity to turn your life around and to create the life you want

Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special 2019
This is a platform that improves all the time. There were loads of upgrades rolled out over the year to improve the user experience and utility of the platform. Some included a new email platform, kraken image optimisation, affiliate programs platform, enhanced video training UX, site comments and accreditation program, and the “Super Affiliate Challenge” – a 12-month step by step training to affiliate success program.

And that is just a few of the more significant updates. In the past year there have been hundreds of new training resources, 10,000’s of new and helpful blog posts, millions of interactions and relationships built at WA, and 52 hours of live classes within Wealthy Affiliate from live training coach Jay.

There is more planned for 2020 and it’s sooo exciting …

Hopefully you get the idea that this is not a platform that is resting on its success. It is working day in and day out to improve and build on its successes and deliver more value to its members.

Some bonuses for you!

This is also going to come with several bonuses for those who sign up to the Black Friday deal, including:

  • Bonus #1: The Path to Affiliate Stardom in 2020 – Kyle Goes AMA (Ask Me Anything) – Live Class hosted by Kyle, co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate and fountain of knowledge)
  • Bonus #2: Building an Incredible Internet Business in 2020, The WhitePaper.
  • Bonus #3: Creating a Thriving Authority Website in 2020 (5 Weeks of Live Training)
  • Bonus #4: Early 2020 Beta Access to New Platforms (Yearly Members Only)

My recommended path for you to follow for maximum success

1. Take advantage of this amazing offer and claim your 1 year $299 membership here.

2. Create your account, including writing a short bio of yourself so the community know who you are.

3. Access the Online Entrepreneur Certification course, and work your way through the modules (you’ll have your own website up and running before you know it).

4. Ask any questions along the way if you get stuck.

5. Blog within the WA platform about your progress – you will be encouraged and supported by a community of like-minded entrepreneurs along the way.

6. Put your learnings into practice – take action straight away on what you learn.

7. Celebrate your successes.

8. Document for yourself how far you’ve come. You’ll be amazed what you learn and what you can achieve.

This will be the smartest $0.82 per investment you will ever make in yourself.

Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special 2019


Sign up and now and create a free account. Check out the platform and see for yourself if you think it will work for you. Confirm for yourself that this is not a gimmick. That this is not the same as other rubbish you may have seen before, offering you something that’s impossible. THIS IS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE.

Wealthy Affiliate provides with everything you need to be a success. You will need to work – obviously this takes time and effort. Anything that is worthwhile does. If you have the right motivation and understanding that all the tools are there and it will be up to you to put in the work, you can do this. Not everyone will succeed, and it’s usually because they don’t make the effort, and treat it like a business.

You can even do the first ten modules of training for free to get a feel for it. Then you can be confident you’ve found a winner and jump on the reduced pricing. This amazing price won’t last forever, and it may not be repeated next year, so now is the time for action.

If you have any comments or questions, please let me know through the comment thread below. Thanks!

Black Friday Wealthy Affiliate Special 2019

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