Views from my office July 2018

When your career is online, you can work from home or anywhere in the world.

You can work from anywhere in the world online, the only limit you have is your imagination. And budget I suppose depending upon where you’re thinking of going …

I’ve been dreaming about being overseas in Europe to beat the cold but then I bounce back to reality.

Usually I try to get out and about with my work as I love working in different places with different sights and sounds. I love to post pictures of the ‘view from my office’ as I like to look back on the places I’ve visited and what’s been happening in my life at time.

July has been pretty cold though, the kids are at school and I’ve been sick on and off for weeks now, so there haven’t been many adventures. I’ve stayed quite close to home and have been very happy in front of my heater and with hot cups of tea. There is something wonderful about being at home when it cold and raining outside. And you look outside and see the trees being blown around wildly, and the rain hitting the window, and you feel so happy to be inside in the comfort of your home.

There are many benefits in having an online career from home. For many people, the benefits (aside from being next to the neater) include work-life balance, flexibility, and the ability to manage caring responsibilities. I’ve written before about many of the benefits of working from home:

Without further ado, I’m going to share with you some of the views from my office this month.


Our home

One of my favourite places in the world is my kitchen, and that is where I’ve spent most of July working. It has been cold, rainy and windy of late, and haven’t really felt like getting out and about all that much.

I love having some fresh flowers on the table to keep me feeling positive and motivated.

Working in the kitchen

Melbourne Museum

On one of the better days, I thought I’d venture in to the Melbourne Museum. I love the museum, and I thought I’d balance some work time with some thinking time and introspection. I can spend an entire day at the museum, particularly when I balance looking around with thinking and planning (and coffee!).

Melbourne museum - bugs!

Melbourne museum dinosaurs

Melbourne museum garden

Melbourne museum garden

My favourite part of the museum is Bunjil’s Nest. It is a beautiful kinetic sculpture of Bunjil, Kulin creator being and Wedge-tailed eagle. Bunjil is an Australian Aboriginal creator deity and cultural hero. The installation tells the story of Bunjil, and his wings hypnotically move and change colour.



My day at the museum was both restful and productive. I came home with a list of things to do, new research to complete, blog post ideas, and products to investigate. I planned the next online training I need to complete, and set my goals for next month.

I was very happy to have been able to have such a lovely day, whilst also doing important planning and goal setting. Having a career from home necessitates excellent organisational and planning skills.

I have previously written about the importance of goal setting when you’re working from home:

Why work anywhere else, other than where you choose?

You too can enjoy a home office from wherever you want, whenever you want. It might be from the comfort of your own lounge room, study, bedroom, or kitchen. It might be at your local library, your favourite community space, favourite cafe, your local park, or at your child’s sporting activity. It might be outside on your balcony or in your backyard. It might be with friends in a study or work group environment, or a rented office space. It might be in a museum or an art gallery and it may even be in another part of the world, on the bank of a river or at the beach.

The fact is, it’s up to you – work from home or anywhere in the world!

Start your new career from home today

You have nothing to lose!

Drop me a note. Where is your favourite office location?





10 thoughts on “Views from my office July 2018”

    • Hi Piseth, thank you for your kind words, and I appreciate you stopping by.
      All the very best to you.

  1. This is so true. I have an online business too and this has helped own my time truly. I plan my work day the way I want it, absolutely no boss. One of my favorite things is to use Monday as my resting day. I usually stay home on Mondays and watch a bunch of movies, or I go to the beach. Beaches are so peaceful on Mondays!

    • Hi Mitala, I like the idea of having Monday as a resting day! While everyone else is hard at work .. sounds so nice.
      I love going to the beach too. Although it’s winter here right now, so it’s going to be another few months before I venture back to the beach.

      Thanks very much for stopping by Mitala. I wish you all the best.

  2. I love your adventure at the Melbourne Museum!
    And, I hope you have recovered well from sickness.

    I wish I can visit Melbourne one day and go to the places you have been =)

    Love the idea of being able to work at home. I guess the relaxing environment can really make one focus better and be more productive at work.

    My favorite office location would always be at home =)
    No place can beat that.

    • Hello Frosteer, it was a fun little adventure! Adventures don’t always need to be on a grand scale. I try to enjoy small things and appreciate what is around me.
      I know what you mean about your favourite office location being at home – there is something wonderful about the comfort of your own home. Thanks very much for stopping be and sharing your thoughts here.
      All the best to you.

  3. What a fantastic article. Having an online career does have many benefits as you have described and the museum you visit looks just amazing. Anyone who is in or wants to have a career in the online world needs to read this. The biggest perk i love as you stated you can work from anywhere.
    Thank you so much

    • Hi David, thanks for your kind words. It is certainly a wonderful perk being able to work from literally anywhere in the world.
      All the very best to you.

  4. I love this because I retired two years ago and wanted to work from home but still be able to work from anywhere I travel to. That is my goal. My favorite place is in my den but I switch to the outside lanai sometimes for a change of pace. I also love nature and the beach for brain stimulation as well. I do switch up so as to break up the boredom. The ultimate goal would be a beach house or a house on a lake to work from. Do you find that one particular place is more stimulating than others to work from?

    • Hi Rob,
      We often visit a place by the beach and hire a cabin in the holidays, so that would be one of my favourite places to work. I find the atmosphere there very relaxing. In summer I often sit outside on my balcony – I love it out there. I hear the birds and I love the fresh air. We also live near a beach … there are plenty of places that energise me. I don’t get distracted by outside noise, so as it’s comfortable I can pretty much work anywhere.
      I wish you all the best with your goal of being able to work from wherever you travel to. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts here.


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