Make money with Fiverr


Make money with Fiverr



Fiverr was established in 2010, and is an online marketplace where buyers and service providers come together and offer services and bid on services.

Explore the marketplace at Fiverr

How can you make money with Fiverr?

There are PLENTY of ways you can make money on Fiverr. You can offer your services in any of the categories you see above.
Services are provided from $5 and up to $995, and as a service provider, you negotiate the price. The price will depend on the size and complexity of the work, the turnaround time, and the number of others within the Fiverr platform who can offer the same services.

Whilst you can see that some of the categories require specific expertise, there are things that anyone can do that don’t require a lot of specialisation. Here are the categories and subcategories available within Fiverr. They are regularly adding to this list.

Graphics and Design:Fiverr - graphics and design

  • logo design
  • flyers and brochures
  • packaging design
  • illustration
  • book and album covers
  • business cards and stationery
  • web and mobile design
  • presentation design
  • infographic design
  • cartoons and caricatures
  • architecture and floor plans
  • 3D models and product design
  • t-shirts and merchandise
  • photoshop editing
  • banner ads
  • social media design
  • vector tracing
  • invitations

Digital marketing:Fiverr - digital marketing

  • SEO
  • social media marketing
  • email marketing
  • content marketing
  • video marketing
  • web analytics
  • local listings
  • domain research
  • search and display marketing
  • marketing strategy
  • e-commerce marketing
  • influencer marketing
  • web traffic
  • mobile advertising
  • music promotion

Writing and translation:Fiverr - writing and translation

  • articles and blog posts
  • business copywriting
  • resumes and cover letters
  • research and summaries
  • translation
  • creative writing
  • proofreading and editing
  • press releases
  • transcription
  • legal writing

Video and animation:Fiverr - video and animation

  • whiteboard and animated explainers
  • intros and animated logos
  • slideshows and promo videos
  • live action explainers
  • short video ads
  • spokesperson videos
  • editing and post production
  • lyric and music videos
  • animated characters and modeling
  • product photography

Music and audio:Fiverr - music and audio

  • voice over
  • mixing and mastering
  • producers and composers
  • singer-songwriters
  • session musicians and singers
  • jingles and drops
  • sound effects

Programming and tech:

  • wordpress
  • web programming
  • e-commerceFiverr - programming and tech
  • mobile apps and web
  • website builders and CMS
  • desktop applications
  • data analysis and reports
  • convert files
  • support and IT
  • chatbots
  • databases
  • user testing
  • QA


  • virtual assistantFiverr - business
  • market research
  • business plans
  • branding services
  • legal consulting
  • financial consulting
  • business tips
  • presentations
  • career advice
  • flyer distribution

Fun and lifestyle:

  • online lessons
  • arts and craftsFiverr - fun and lifestyle
  • relationship advice
  • health, nutrition and fitness
  • astrology and readings
  • spiritual and healing
  • family and genealogy
  • collectibles
  • greeting cards and videos
  • your message on …
  • viral videos
  • pranks and stunts
  • celebtrity impersonators
  • gaming
  • global culture

As you can see, there are loads of ways you can make money on Fiverr. Some categories get quite creative with what’s offered within them, and really your imagination is the limit.


Getting started on Fiverr

Signing up to Fiverr is free.

The work you offer is known as a ‘gig’. So, to get started, you need to set up your gig. Then, you offer it to your audience.

There is some information that’s required when getting set up, including:

  • your full name
  • a profile picture
  • a description of yourself
  • languages you speak
  • email address
  • phone number
  • occupation
  • availability
  • monthly income within a broad range
  • skills and experience level
  • education
  • certification
  • personal website (if you have one)

Once you’ve completed this information, you’re ready to set up your first gig. Here’s what the screen looks like:

Fiverr - setting up your first gig

Once you’ve completed your gig title, category and search tags, you’ll be prompted to set up your 3 packages as follows:

Fiver packages

Once you have set up your three different packages to describe your service, together with the fees you will charge, you need to describe what it is you will provide. You also need to tell the buyer what it is you need from them to get started. You can add photos, videos and PDFs that describe or are related to your gig, if you wish. The better the quality of the information you add, the more likely it is that someone will buy your service.

Here is some more detailed information, including video, of how to set up a great gig with Fiverr:


Selling levels within Fiverr

Fiverr has a system of levels, whereby your performance is evaluated every month and your level is determined accordingly. Factors that influence your level include customer satisfaction, timing of delivery, and quality of work.

When you start out at Fiverr and set up your first gig, you are automatically labelled as a New Seller.

To be progress to a Level 1 Seller, the requirements are that you:

  • Complete a minimum of 60 days as an active seller
  • Complete a minimum of 10 individual orders (all time)
  • Earn at least $400
  • Maintain a 4.8 star rating over 60 days
  • 90% response rate; order completion and on-time delivery over 60 days
  • Avoiding receiving warnings over 30 days

To become a Level 2 Seller, the requirements are that you:

  • Complete a minimum of 120 days as an active seller on Fiverr
  • Complete a minimum of 50 individual orders (all time)
  • Earn at least $2,000
  • Maintain a 4.8 star rating over 60 days
  • 90% response rate; order completion and on-time delivery over 60 days
  • Avoiding receiving warnings over 30 days

The hardest level to achieve is the Top Rated Seller. To achieve this level the requirements are that you:

  • Complete a minimum of 180 days as an active seller on Fiverr
  • Complete a minimum of 100 individual orders (all time)
  • Earn at least $20,000
  • Maintain a 4.8 star rating over 60 days
  • 90% response rate; order completion and on-time delivery over 60 days
  • Avoiding receiving warnings over 30 days

There are benefits at each level, and as you progress through the levels, the benefits become greater. The number of active gigs you have increases at each level. New starters can have 7 active gigs, level 1 sellers can have 10, level 2 sellers can have 20, and top sellers can have 30 active gigs.


Can you make money with Fiverr?

You can absolutely make money with Fiverr. Some people treat Fiverr as their full time job, whilst others use Fiverr to supplement their existing income, for a bit of extra money on the side.

Fiverr can also be great if you want to set up your own online business, and need some extra money coming in whilst you are in the process of setting yourself up and gaining traction on your business.

The best way to make money with Fiverr is choose things that you can do easily and quickly. For example, things where software can help you get the job done. Some ideas include logo creation, business card design, ebooks that you have already created or you have bought the rights to), convert photos to paintings using software.


Can you make money with Fiverr? Yes

Getting paid with Fiverr

You retain 80% of each transaction. So you need to consider this when you are setting your price. If you price a gig at $50, you will retain $40.

Once you complete a buyer’s order, the money is transferred to your account. You do not contact clients for payments. You can withdraw money 14 days after the order is marked as complete (or 7 if you are a Top Rated Seller). You have a few different options including:

  • PayPal
  • Fiverr revenue card
  • Bank transfer
  • Direct deposit (in the U.S. only)


What is the verdict on Fiverr?Fiverr is a legitimate way to make money from home

If you want some extra money ranging from some extra pocket money to something much more substantial, then Fiverr might be for you. It is a legitimate way to make some good money.

There are some complaints about Fiverr on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website, from both buyers and sellers. I personally have not encountered any problems, and I know many others who use Fiverr who have never encountered problems, but I thought it was important to mention the complaints that have appeared on BBB. Like anything, it’s important that you do your own research and feel comfortable before signing up to anything. It is free to join, so it’s worth trying it to see for yourself if it resonates with you.

Please leave any comments or questions below and I’m always happy to help. If you’ve discovered any other great ways to make money online that have worked for you, please share your experiences!



6 thoughts on “Make money with Fiverr”

  1. Very informative article!!!

    Really Fiverr is a great way to make extra money online. I’m planning to join fiverr soon. Thanks for sharing this detailed information. I have bookmarked this article.

    • Hello Apoorva, thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments here. I wish you all the very best.

  2. Hi Melissa,
    This is a good article in a review format. I also use Fiverr but never ever had the slightest idea of recommending it to my readers.

    Indeed, you have also given a detailed explanation on how to set up Fiverr Account and the multi-existing Gigs backed by the amount to pocket home. The best part is anyone can join for free.

    This is a very useful information for anyone willing to earn full time or part time income from the site. I will be following your footsteps.

    Wishing you all the best.

    • Hi Phomrong, Fiverr is great because it is free to join, and it’s handy as both a buyer and a seller.
      Thanks very much for stopping by and for leaving your comments here. Wishing you all the very best too : )

  3. The first time I heard about Fiverr was on YouTube when PewDiPie was talking about what a great service ( he was half sarcastically, half serious ) but he said that you could “Buy just about anything you needed for the digital world for around $5” I thought that was a great idea for a site. Later on when I went about building my own space, I needed logo design, some article writing, and sometimes I needed some psychic “law of attraction” type stuff. Oh yes, I sure did purchase a psychic healing over the internet! I felt fantastic afterwards, so maybe it was a placebo effect or what but Fiver always delivers. I never considered actually being a seller.

    You mentioned “ebooks that you have already created or you have bought the rights to” as a way of making money, how so? Can you explain how I can use an ebook I made into something profitable? What about making Canva pinterest images for people?

    • Hi Sophia, you purchased a psychic healing over the internet?! That’s so cool.
      Fiverr is awesome for getting small pieces of work done that would either take too long for you to do yourself, or you don’t have the skills for yourself, and if it would be too expensive to give to a professional services firm. There are so many things that could fall into this category, and your examples of logo design and article writing are the perfect types of things you could buy (or sell) on Fiverr.

      You can create your own ebooks, and purchase the rights to private label articles (PLR) that you have the right to re-sell. You can certainly sell those on Fiverr (and other platforms such as Amazon). I personally don’t like the use of PLR articles but many people do sell them on.

      And using Canva to make Pinterest images (or any other images) – banners, postcards, flyers, menus, social media images – is another great way to make money on Fiverr. These are all things that not everyone has the skills to do, and is willing to purchase to save themselves time.

      Thanks so much for your comments Sophia. I wish you all the very best.


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