The best way to start a business with no money in 2018

The best way to start a business with no money in 2018


Everyone wants to be in charge of their own lives and feel that they have control over their career and job decisions. Historically, it was people who were up for more risk who went out on their own to establish their own businesses. They were usually up for sizable costs to get their businesses off the ground. This would often involve huge start up costs of inventory, warehousing or premises for the business, staff and many other overheads which were barriers for many people wanting to venture into their own business.

As a result, there was the popular belief that the safest route was working for someone else. This was considered much less risky, more stable and secure, and certainly more predictable.


Which suit is for you?

The ‘safe’ approach also typically went hand in hand with tertiary studies. It meant graduating from college or university, searching for a job relevant to your studies, starting at the bottom and working your way up over time as you built your knowledge and earnt your dues.

Fast forward to 2018 …


There are now ways to start a business with no money

Gone are the days of huge start up costs being part and parcel of starting your own business. Whilst bricks and mortar business and many others still require start up costs and continue to have large overheads, there are more and more choices available for people to start their own business with no money.

Really … no money at all?

Well there are some basics that you must have. A laptop, PC or tablet, and a reliable internet connection are a given. You won’t get by without these. However, you don’t need to spend massive amounts of money on getting a decent device anymore. Even a second hand one will do. If you don’t have your own internet connection at home, you will need to find a solid public WiFi connection, such as those available at libraries, or even perhaps your local cafe.

And a degree is not a necessity. While degrees are wonderful learning and growth experiences, they are not mandatory for this business.


So what is the business I’m talking about?

I’m talking about building your own websites, and monetising them.

Can you really do this for free?

Yes – you can make a start for free. You can build two free websites, fully hosted, for free, and you can start to learn the basics for free. You’ll be shown how to:

  • choose a niche that you are interested in for your very own website
  • build your niche website
  • attract visitors to your website
  • earn revenue from website

Here’s a snapshot of the process:

Wealthy Affiliate steps to success

You will be taken through the process of earning money online in an understandable way:

The basic process of earning money online through Wealthy Affiliate

Then what?

You can rinse and repeat with as many websites as you like. Once you’ve learnt the model and have an understanding of how it all works, you can create AS MANY websites as you desire that will produce revenue for you. We’ll get to that in a moment.


Taking your business to the next level will require some investment

Once you’ve gotten started for free, and have your two free websites, you might decide that you love the model of making money online, and want more than two websites. If you want more than two websites, it’s easy. You can sign up for a premium membership, where you can have up to FIFTY websites, fully hosted. 25 of those websites can be free on the siterubix platform, and the other 25 will require you to purchase a domain name. This premium membership also allows access to an incredible suite of further training and tools to take your online businesses to the next level. This level of membership will cost you $49 per month, or a reduced annual fee of $359.

If the domain names are purchased through the platform, they typically cost $13.99 per year. Not a big investment! I spend more on one movie ticket than that. I recommend that you always purchase a domain name (rather than using a free siterubix site) as I think they appear more professional. It also gives the impression that you are taking your business seriously.


What else will need to build your business?

Next you will need motivation. The motivation to build a career for your self. The motivation to learn something new and build your business from scratch.

You will also need dedication. You will need to accept that your business will not happen overnight. It will take time, effort, hard work, and even maybe some disappointments along the way. But you will heading in the right direction. Every step you are taking is a step closer towards your goal.


You will need motivation and dedication

You will need to be open to advice, following instructions, and accepting that you have things to learn. You will find an abundance of quality training (that’s all free within the platform) that will teach you the tools, tips and tricks to turn your websites into profitable online businesses. You will need to put into practice what you’re being taught.

I don’t know any other business that:

  • gives you 50 websites a year, fully hosted and secure
  • teaches you an entire profession with leading trainers
  • offers 24/7 support

for $359 per year. With no degree required, and no overheads. No inventory, no staff costs. No rent to be paid for premises. No legal fees. No franchise costs. And no up sells.


You can build your business in your spare time

The beauty of learning to build an online business, and putting your learning into practice by creating websites, is that you can do this in your spare time. You can build your business while you’re studying or working full time. Then once you have built your business to a level that you’re comfortable with, you can scale down your employment and ramp up your online efforts. It’s a very RISK FREE approach to becoming an online entrepreneur and creating the life you want.

So do you want to start your very own business, without having to pay anything? You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain! This might be the very thing you were looking for. This might be the answer to all of your questions.


Click on the image below to start your new business!


Click here to sign up for your free account


Leave me a question or a comment below and I’m always happy to help.



10 thoughts on “The best way to start a business with no money in 2018”

  1. In your article you mention the equipment needed to get started, I don’t think you will find many house’s that are not connected to the Internet, and some sort of device that is connected to it.

    And if they don’t have the devices they can use Internet cafes and like you said in article there’s the libraries which is a great place without many distractions.

    • Hi Bill, you’re right, I don’t think there are many places now that aren’t connected to the internet. And there’s always access not far away if needed. It’s so easy now for people to have an online career from home.

  2. Simple and easy. I like your article a lot. I do recommend to everybody to try out Wealthy Affiliate. In my opinion, they are the best platform to learn from scratch. Thanks for sharing.

    All the best.

    • Hi Ivan, hello and thanks for visiting. We certainly are blessed with a platform like Wealthy Affiliate, they are absolutely the best platform to learn everything from scratch.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.

  3. The idea that you can start an online business and be successful has been around for quite a number of years, it is just lately that more people are becoming aware. More people looking for opportunities like you describe, because people are changing they want to get out of the rat race they find themselves in, experience more of life and not be tied down to a job that requires them to be there 5 days a week! for the next 40 years!..sound like a prison sentence to me!…Good article.

    • Hi Gus,
      Absolutely – people are wanting to get out of the rat race and find a balance between work and life. I think we will see that more and more, particularly as millenials start to come through the workforce and want more and more flexibility, together with more frequent career changes.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.

  4. Nice information there. I’ve always been searching for a method to earn real money from home, not some scam business with crypto-currency trading. Is there any success story with the Wealthy Affiliate platform? I’m curious to try it.

    • Hi Alexander, there are loads of success stories within Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a risk-free option for people to try out and if they like it, then that’s a wonderful bonus. There are lots of scams out there it’s hard to know what’s real and what isn’t.
      With Wealthy Affiliate, one of the greatest things about it is that people can join for free and see if it resonates with them. Scams don’t offer that opportunity. It’s very easy to test out to see if it’s going to work for you. I wish you all the very best.

  5. Hello Melissa,
    You are so right about Wealtlhy Affiliates! It is the best place to learn how to start a business. The training is provided and the community is beyond amazing.
    The idea that we can be in business on our own without a huge cost factor makes it so much easier to dive right in.
    Great article!
    Light the path
    IN peace and gratitude, ariel

    • Thanks so much Ariel for your comment. Yes the training and community are amazing.
      I wish you well Ariel.


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