Can you really have a successful online career?

When it comes to building a career from home, there are many questions you will have in your head.  You may also have fears that leave you feeling like you don’t know what action to take.

Fear of moving forward

You may question the legitimacy of working from home, and question whether real jobs actually exist.

You may wonder how to even find opportunities that will work for you. You may wonder if you have what it takes to make money. Or how you can fit it in on top of everything else you are already doing. You may be wondering which opportunities are real, and which ones are scams.

You may be completely disillusioned with looking for opportunities because of all of the unrealistic claims you see attached to different products and services.

But I have all these fears …

Can I really make money from home?

How do I start a business from home?  What if I fail and I’m even worse off?

Do online jobs from home exist? Are they legitimate?

I wonder how to quit my job and still make money?

Do I have the skills to make money from home online?

Are there legitimate work from home opportunities? Will I be scammed?

Will I have to pay for anything upfront?

Are they going to lure me in then try to upsell?

What training and support will be provided to me, and how much will that cost?

These are all questions that deserve your attention and research, but don’t let them paralyse you into inaction.

What if you fly?

And I’m worried about what other people will think…

Then there’s the fears you may have about what other people will think of you, including your family, friends and co-workers.

Will they think that an online business isn’t worthwhile? 

Will they think that I can’t do it? 

Will they tell me I’m being scammed? 

Will they tell me I should just get a normal 9-5 job like everybody else does?

Will they try to talk me out of it?

These are all questions that deserve your attention – with the exception of “what will my friends and family think”.  Whilst it’s important to have a support network, too often we limit our beliefs because of fear of what those close to us will think.  It is more than likely they will be really supportive of you once they understand what you’re doing.

Hang on. Whilst I have fears, I also have goals.

Focus on your goals.  What are they?

For lots of people, creating an income or a second income will be their goal. For some it will be learning a new set of skills, or an enitrely new profession. For some, it may be quitting their job. For others, it could be wanting to gradually transition from a full time job into a career from home. For some it will be the satisfaction of accomplishing something new. For others, it will  be wanting to lift their online presence.

Whatever your goal, you need to be certain of one thing.

You need to put the effort in to get the rewards.

You will not make it rich overnight.

You won’t earn a full time income putting in part time effort.

You won’t magically know everything, you need to put in the time to learn.

If you want it, work for it


The beauty is that small wins can turn into larger wins.  You need to grow and nurture your online business until it begins to yield returns.

So, can I really have a successful online career?

The answer is a resounding yes. For a successful online career that is:

  • Free, with no sign up fees for starter members
  • Fully supported with exceptional training that is self-paced and caters to different learning styles
  • Filled with a community of tens of thousands of like-minded people who have a pay it forward philosophy
  • Supported by SiteRubix website platform with integrated tools for website analysis, management, ranking and security

You don’t need to look any further.  Wealthy Affiliate is a proven solution that tens of thousands people from across the world are using to give themselves a long-term, sustainable and profitable business. Find out more about it here.

You have nothing to lose.

Leave me a comment or a question below and I’m happy to help.



2 thoughts on “Can you really have a successful online career?”

  1. To answer your question “can you really have a successful career online”, the answer is yes. I do. Took me a while but it builds all the time and it’s getting easier now. More traffic and money as time goes by. I would say to anybody to stick at it, it will happen. You need to be patient and work for it.

    • Hi Jake, thanks for your input. I completely agree. I see lots of people wanting it to happen within moments of starting and it takes time. Time to build, and grow, and gain in authority and rankings. It also takes time to learn the tricks, and test what works and what doesn’t work. All these things take time. But they do grow. And then you start to see the benefits. Thanks for stopping by!


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