What is CB Passive Income?


What is CB Passive Income about?

What is CB Passive Income about?

Website: https://cbpassiveincome.comCB Passive Income founder Patric Chan

Owner: Patric Chan

Legitimate: Yes

Recommended: In some instances, but this is not for everybody. Find out how I’ve come to this conclusion after reading my review.


Here is how CB Passive Income sum up their offering:

What is CB passive income?

What is CB Passive Income License Program about?

In a nutshell, CB Passive Income provides you with clone web pages that are already set up for you with content and affiliate links. The affiliate links are unique to you, so that when you drive traffic to your site and people make purchases, you earn income.

There is some training that will teach you about attracting visitors to your cloned website. This includes information about paid advertising, and social media marketing.

The idea is that you market your website far and wide, and people sign up by leaving their email contact with you. They will receive pre-written emails about various products, and when customers click on them and purchase, the affiliate commission is yours.

Here is a summary of CB Passive Income 4.0:


CB Passive Income 4.0

What is that you get with CB Passive Income?

You’ll get what’s known a squeeze page, that is ready to go. You do not need to do any editing  or updating of it. You essentially promote this page which is uniquely identified as yours when you share the link.

You are not required to purchase domain names or pay for hosting fees.

The squeeze page gets updated on your behalf as they make updates to review and improve, so that means no maintenance for you.

You’ll have access to the back-end of the system, allowing you to see the number of visitors to your website and how many subscribers you have.

The 4.0 version of CB Passive Income now comes with multiple squeeze pages, meaning that you can promote multiple links.

Within the squeeze pages, there are free gifts that are given away, and content that is already written for you. CB Passive Income update and change the free gifts periodically. There is nothing that you need to do here, it is already within your clone web page.

All the products have already been researched and content is produced around these products, so the ‘heavy lifting’ is done for you.



To join CB Passive Income, you pay either pay $47 per month, or a one-time payment of $97.


The CB Passive Income site summarises the three key steps in the process:


CB Passive Income – the pros

There is a real person and team behind this product.

The product is regularly reviewed and improved, with the latest offering being version 4.0.

There are no outlandish claims made about how much many you will make, in fact on the FAQs they make the statement:

If you’re looking for a real business, CB Passive Income License Program can help you to achieve your goal, but if you’re looking for a quick-rich scheme, I’m sorry to disappoint you that I don’t have one.

There is a 60 day, 100% money back guarantee.

You don’t need to build a website, host it, create content, or update it.

It is beginner friendly.


CB Passive Income – the cons

They do not drive traffic for you – and they don’t claim to. This is where it’s over to you to drive the traffic to your squeeze pages to make it all happen. Do not underestimate the work that needs to be done here. How much money you make depends on your ability to generate leads. This takes time and skill.

If you aren’t well versed in social media nor have a large following, you will likely need to pay to advertise, so factor that into your initial investment of $97.

Your squeeze pages will look the same as everybody else’s who has also bought into the program.

You don’t have control over your niche and the products being promoted, nor do you write the emails that get sent to your leads.

I feel like this is something you might outgrow – if you are serious about being an online entrepreneur and being in charge of your life, you will at some point want to create your own site that is uniquely yours, that you have control over.

This product is less about being an online marketer, and more about promoting directly to as many people as you can to a page in the hope that it will turn into sales. You will need many leads in order to make a consistent profit, and it might be a surprise for many to see how long it takes to build up a sales funnel.

The training is at the beginner level, so if you’re looking for more advanced training you’ll need to go elsewhere to find it.


Summary of CB Passive Income

CB Passive Income is a legitimate program, there is a real product that you can make money from, if you know how. If you’re confident that you know how to drive traffic to your squeeze pages, then this might be a nice way for you to make some extra income.

If you have no idea about lead generation, then you will likely struggle with getting traffic and leads in order for this to be worthwhile. You will need to pay for advertising, which you will need to take into consideration if you fall into this category.

If you like to be in control of your messaging and want to be in control of your niche, then this probably won’t be your cup of tea.

With CB Passive Income, you are not really building your own business. Whilst you might make some money, at the end of the day you will be using a system that has been created so that you can make some money. Which isn’t a bad thing if that is what you want.


Learn real affiliate marketing here



8 thoughts on “What is CB Passive Income?”

    • Hi Dave, I’m glad you like my website. My website isn’t meant to be technical so I’m not too sure what you mean there?

      If you want to learn how to do affiliate marketing, I would highly recommend joining Wealthy Affiliate. With this platform, you will be learning how to do it from the ground up. There are a variety of methods of training (such as blogs, videos, and putting into practice), so that if you miss something you can go back and repeat it until you understand it.

      Dave, click here to start the training:

      Thanks Dave and I wish you all the very best.

  1. Hi Melissa,

    I just stumbled across and wondered what is cb passive income and I found your article. I now know all I need to know about CB Passive income and I am glad for it. $97 one time payment is very attractive I must say to have the potential to earn lifelong commissions. However, without the training to drive traffic, one could become like I see so many Facebook do:- Desperately landing their affiliate links in the hopes ‘someone’ will click. And when you do, they do the old dreaded Friend Request thing straight away and inbox you aggressively to sign away your life.

    Don’t do that folks. It is a huge turn off – huge mistake – and you won’t make much money annoying people like that. Just don’t do it. Learn better strategies to drive traffic for free to your products. Its not rocked science but you should definitely take the advice here to help you achieve your goal of a full time income from your marketing efforts.

    Thanks Melissa and I am delighted to know more about CB Passive Income’s work from home offer :- ) .

    • Lol Philip, I absolutely agree. Don’t be that person! I see those people everywhere too, just don’t do it.
      Thanks Philip, I appreciate you stopping by! All the best.

  2. Thanks Melissa, I ran across a something similar to that program, claiming to have mostly everything already set up. Didn’t go looking to much further into it because it just seemed to easy. But now I know what was missing. Even though I didn’t further explore it, I still couldn’t stop thinking about how it worked. You cleared it up. Thanks for the helpful information

    • Thanks Donald. I’m always skeptical when things appear too easy. There is usually a reason. Whilst I think CB Passive Income May work for some, it certainly won’t work for everyone. Wishing you all the very best Donald.

  3. CB Passive Income sounds will not provide enough training for you although the fee to join in is not high. I think it’s not worth to join. I personally believe training is very important.

    Just clone web page with unique affiliate link sounds not reliable. You did everything for me. That means I don’t know how to do and the theory behind that. I cannot use the knowledge to apply in the different area.

    Will CB Passive Income teach you email marketing. If not, how can I deal with a large amount of email if I get a lot of traffic to my website?

    There is many unknown in CB Passive Income. I won’t join it.

    Thank you for your sharing.

    • Hi CT, I believe the problem with CB Passive Income is more around actually getting traffic and building the list. They seem light on in that area. They do provide some pre-written email campaigns, but in my view there’s not enough training to teach people so they’re at a point where they have enough visitors to warrant an email marketing campaign. And you’re right – you’ve made a great point about not being taught the basics so you can’t apply it to something else. Like you, I won’t join it.
      Thanks very much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.


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