What is 7K in 7 days?
Now and then I see something online that makes me stop and go “Whoa! I need to know more”. That was my reaction when I first heard of 7K in 7 days. Because who doesn’t want to be 7K richer by this time next week? And who doesn’t want that EVERY week? I don’t know about you, but I’d be quite happy earning an additional $364K per year. So I read on.
I must say that when I see headlines or titles like that, the ones promising quick money, whilst I do get a bit excited and want to read more, there’s the logical part of me that’s saying “No way!! There is no-one making that kind of money. Is 7K in 7 days a scam?”
I’ll be reviewing 7K in 7 days here. After all, I wanted to find out if 7K in 7 days is a scam or a legitimate product. Because hey, an extra 7K in my pocket would be really handy right now.
Website: http://7kin7days.com
Owner: Ali Chowdhry
Price: $47 (with a discount coupon you can purchase it for $10) plus upsells
If you’re anything like me, you want to get to the bottom of big claims to see what kind of substance is behind them. There are thousands upon thousands of schemes out there promising big returns for very little work, and sometimes it’s hard to know what’s real and what it isn’t.
There are so many people who dearly want to change their lives and make money online. I’m here to help you make sense of where the good opportunities are, and the ones you should probably stay away from.
$7K in 7 days review
When you go to the website you are introduced to Ali Chowdhry, and you will likely watch his video that pops up straight away. He talks about what we all want to hear – making money online, to get out of the rat-race and build something for ourselves. His story will resonate with just about anybody who has searched for ways to make money online. There isn’t any information about a tangible product on offer though, just lots of talking about being financially free.
That said, immediately you want to believe him because he used to be a police officer. You see photos of Ali in his uniform, and receiving an award, and you want this product to deliver because we inherently believe that police officers are honest, and will do the right thing.
In the video, Ali doesn’t promise anything, and he does acknowledge that not everyone will see the results that he did. Well he’s right there! Ali is an experienced marketer. The people who stumble across this product will likely have no experience at all, and will struggle to achieve anything like the success that Ali has seen.
According to the website, 7K in 7 days has nothing to do with blogging, Shopify, ecommerce, Amazon, eBay, cryptocurrency or physical products.
So what’s it all about then?
The $7K in 7 days product
The product on offer is a 41 page ‘blue print’ that breaks down Ali’s entire “money-getting formula and gives you the step-by-step process on the EXACT process Ali used to make 7K in 7 days so that you can DUPLICATE it for yourself!”
Ali says “I documented EVERYTHING for you, so that you can do it right after you download it.”
The blue print is a PDF e-book that talks about the two key methods for making money online. These are selling other people’s products through affiliate marketing, or creating your own products (like e-books) and having other affiliates make money for you from your own products.
I have written about the beauty of affiliate marketing before, and how I think it is a fantastic way to make money online. There is an abundance of information available about how to do this, and in my view, most people will be able to pick up the concepts easily and be able to do this if they have the motivation and drive.
Creating your own products is a whole other situation. But I’ll get into that soon. Let’s get back to the product offering.
- The ‘blue-print’ e-book for $47
- Mastery Bootcamp is then offered as an up sell for $47
- Done for you profit templates are another up sell for $27.77
- Live coaching is another up sell for $17.77
Whilst we’re not talking about a lot of money, I find upsells annoying. Because part of me feels duped into needing to spend more in order to be able to get what I thought was a system that would teach me how to make money.
The benefits of 7K in 7 days
There are some pros with this system. You will not be spending a fortune, even if you do go with the up sells. In total you’d be paying $139.54 including all up sells.
There is the ability to get a refund within 30 days if you want one for any reason.
I have no doubt that Ali makes $7K in 7 days, and the wisdom being shared in this product is based on the methods that Ali uses, and are tried and true for him.
The cons of 7K in 7 days
Whilst you can get a refund, you can’t have a look at the product before you purchase it, so there is no ‘try before you buy’. I do understand that for products that are relatively inexpensive, but it’s still nice to be able to see something tangible when there is not a lot of description about what the actual product even is. You can’t really ascertain what it is you’re buying before you hand over your hard-earned cash. You have no way of telling if you think it might work for you or resonate with you before you see it. You are taking a chance on an unknown.
When it comes to the question of whether you will see results from the system, the website offers the following information:
“Legally I can’t promise you results as I don’t know you, and I don’t know if you’re going to implement this strategy. What I can tell you is that this works as I have done it time and time again. All you need to do is download the blueprint and follow it. Taking action is a crucial factor so go ahead and download 7K in 7 Days now and implement it!”
This is true for all business – your results will largely depend on what you put it into it.
What is NOT clear up front, is that Ali relies on the development of his own digital products to be sold through other affiliates. For many people, this is just not going to be their thing. This is absolutely not something a beginner can come in and do ‘cold’. For seasoned professional marketers it might be easy, but for the average person with no experience, this is a huge task. There is not going to be any $7,000 in 7 days for a beginner. Maybe after years at it that amount of money might be achievable, but if you think you’re going to download an e-book and be able to translate that into $7K immediately, you’ve got another thing coming.
I’ve written about the myth of making money online quickly and easily before. You can read it here.

The e-book ‘blue print’ is by no means a step by step guide. It is more of an overview of the process. If you’re looking for some concrete actions to take, and how to do it, then this product may not meet your expectations. If you have no experience in affiliate marketing, I would recommend a more comprehensive and step by step training that outlines everything you need to do to set yourself up for success.
You can read about the platform I have used here.
If you’re a more experienced marketer, you might get some good insights with Ali’s material.
Is 7K in 7 days a scam?
Not at all – 7K in 7 days is NOT a scam. It might be a little misleading, but it’s certainly not a scam. There will be people who absolutely get value from this product, and will be motivated to take action based on Ali’s story. If you do purchase the product and you aren’t happy with it, you can get a refund.
Whilst I’m not recommending this product, I’m also not saying you should avoid it. There is value to be had from it, but it won’t give you all the answers you’ll need.
If you genuinely want to make money online, it will take time and effort. There is no magic formula that will result in you going from nothing to $7,000 in the space of a week. You will need to learn how to do it, treat it like a job, and work hard at it. You will need to build it over time and not expect unrealistic results with little effort.
It is achievable. You will need to be open to learning and willing to put in the work. If you’re new to affiliate marketing, it’s a great skill (and fun too!)
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below, and I’m always happy to help.
Hi, I love your post about 7k in 7days, I really enjoyed it. Great information. Thanks for share
Hi Larmu, thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I wish you well in your research to find ways to make money online. I wish you all the best.
What great information! Thank you showing both the Pros and the Cons of this program as well as what you ‘didn’t’ like… Don’t get that much. Definitely going to check this one out. Yes, I’m just starting out with affiliate marketing, but I have a folder for future ventures I would to add and build my business with.
Thank you again : ) Keep up the good work!
Hi Sabrina, I love the idea of having a folder for future ventures to add to and build over time. Sounds like you are going about your business in a very smart and systematic way. I wish you all the very best! I hope you visit back here often for new ideas, tips and tricks.
Hi Melissa.
Again, congrats on your site. Lovely done.
Now, come back to your review. Lovely done again. Great review, easy-to-read.
I just don’t think it is that easy to make 7k in 7 days if you don’t invest tons, but
tons of money for promotion to get millions of people on your offer.
You need to have many buyers in a week to get that money in one week, and that as a commission.
Webinars could do that, but you need to be established, big authority online for that.
it is possible to make much money in a week, of course! Some, people are making that money even in an hour, but online?
I have just learned so far that if it looks to good, probably is not.
Maybe is possible, I don’t know. If you enroll and make that money, let me know, he,he.
Keep up the good work!
Hi Igor, thanks for your lovely comments about my site, that’s wonderful to hear!
I totally agree, you would need to be a huge authority to be getting that kind of money via webinars. Possible of course, but over a longer period of time (and likely with some advertising too).
I will keep researching products and ways to make money online, and keep publishing what I find. There are certainly great ways to make money online, but it doesn’t happen overnight and products like 7K in 7 days do give the impression it can happen quickly and easily. If only that were the case!
Thanks for visiting my site Igor and I hope to see you again. All the very best to you.