Earn Extra Money from Home doing Website Testing

Make money from home testing websites

Everyone wants to know the easy ways to make money from home, and how to earn quick cash.

I don’t believe there are quick ways to make money from home, nor are there are easy ways to make money from home.  At least that’s what I think (if you know the secret, then please share it!)

You can most certainly make money from home though, through lots of different ways. You can make money testing websites and testing new apps that product designers need feedback on before they put their new websites and apps out to market.

Website and app testing

There are some good ways to make extra pocket money.  There are a few companies out there that will pay you to test new websites, apps and games.  Some pay reasonably well.

There are some things that you will need before you start down this path.  Typically you will need:

  • A laptop or PC, tablet or smartphone
  • Internet connection
  • Microphone
  • An up to date browser
  • Fluent English
  • Be a minimum of 18 years old (although for some you can be younger)
  • Ability to download testing software

Make money testing websites and apps – my top 6 testing sites

Loads of people have realised that there is money to be made from testing websites and apps from the comfort of their own homes.  There are plenty of companies that do this worldwide. You won’t strike it rich, but you could earn some decent pocket money. 

I have consolidated the reviews of website and app testing platforms onto one page. Please feel free to visit the page here.

I add to this page regularly when I write reviews, and come across new sites. Here are more testing platforms that look good, and will earn you some extra income from home:

Enroll: www.enrollapp.com

TryMyUI: https://www.trymyui.com/worker/signup

UTest: https://www.utest.com

MyCrowd: https://pages.mycrowd.com/registrations/tester

TestIO: https://test.io/become-a-tester/

TestingTime: https://www.testingtime.com/en/

UserFeel: https://www.userfeel.com

Validately: https://validately.com

Userzoom: https://www.userzoom.com 

Analysia: http://www.analysia.com/user.asp

Some tips to make money testing websites

If you are looking to go down the path of website and app testing, I would suggest signing up with as many as you can so that you maximise your chances of being offered more things to test.

Remember that making money form home takes work – time, effort and dedication are required.

There is another great way to earn money from home.

My preferred way to earn money from home is not a quick or easy win.  It is less of a job and more of a CAREER that will be long term and will grow over time.  In my view, affiliate marketing is the very best way to go to producing a lucrative online income.

With Wealthy Affiliate there are no barriers to getting started, and you have the tools and support to help you build a consistent revenue stream. I consider Wealthy Affiliate to provide the best affiliate marketing training available, with exceptional tools and support available.

What are you waiting for?

Open a Wealthy Affiliate account today and try it out for yourself!

Wealthy Affiliate - open an account today!

Please leave any questions or comments below and I’m happy to help. If you’ve discovered any more sites where you get paid to test, please share your experiences!

6 thoughts on “Earn Extra Money from Home doing Website Testing”

  1. Hi Melissa, excellent post! Thanks for reviewing such a great list of companies.
    I earned my my first $50 online with one 45 minute Userlytics test. It was the quickest, easiest money I’ve ever made online but, of course, it was not sustainable. Tests like that don’t come around everyday.
    I waited months to get another test from Userlytics and only made $25 for that one. Still nothing to sneeze at considering the time it took me.
    I agree with you wholeheartedly on going the Wealthy Affiliate route if you’re looking to make more than just pocket money every other month and you’re willing to put in the time to build an Authority site.
    You are doing great with yours. Well done! You are well on your way.

    • Hi Lauren, thanks for your comment. I agree that whilst a survey or website test every now and then is excellent pocket money, it’s not a sustainable career option. It’s a nice little cash top up, but can’t be relied upon as a consistent revenue stream.

      And Lauren, I completely agree that an online career through Wealthy Affiliate provides much more than just pocket money, but it also takes time and effort to build. Thanks for stopping by!
      Best, Melissa

  2. I didn’t even know this was an option. I’ve looked at things like Mechanical Turk to make some extra change, but this looks like it is a much better option. Is the microphone needed through the entire review process? I have young kids and this could limit my available time to utilize these kinds of sites.

    • Hi Steve, well we have both learnt something today! I don’t know Mechanical Turk so I will look that one up.

      Re the microphone, it really does depend on the platform you’re with. For example, with What Users Do, pretty much the tests do require a microphone, and it would be expected for the duration of the test that you be able to speak clearly. That one might be more difficult with little ones around. There are others, such as Erli Bird and Enroll, where the microphone isn’t required so might be more suitable when the kids are around.

      Thanks for visiting my site Steve and I wish you all the very best.

  3. Hi Melissa, it’s great you have taken the time to write such an exhaustive list of the best website/app testing companies out there. I have heard lots of stories about these things barely making you a penny for lots of time and work, but at least you do actually make some cash with these.

    Like you say though, you definitely won’t get rich with any of these, and they are probably just suited to people who have very little time to spare and just want to make a few extra bucks without having to think to much.

    However, it’s so much more exiting and profitable in the long term to build out your own website and business that will be yours forever. It may take some work but the rewards are so worth it. The Wealthy Affiliate platform is the best out there to learn how to do this from scratch, which is what I have done over the last year and it’s been great!

    • Hi Stefanie, thanks very much for your comment on my site. You can definitely make money testing websites and apps, but it probably won’t be enough alone.


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