One of the drivers of me creating is to help people make money online. I like to help people understand that there are ways to build a career from home, on their own terms. There are ways to build a sustainable and long term career from home, and there are also ways to make pocket money online if you’don’t want to invest your time to build something longer term. Whatever your choice, there are a number of ways to make money online whether it’s doing tasks for someone else, or establishing your own online business that grows over time. So the bottom line really is about money.
What is more important than money?
Whilst the bottom line might be about making money, when you know me you’ll realise that I believe that true wealth is about what’s left when we remove money from the equation. That might be easy for me to say while I have a good income, lovely home, and no real concerns about money. But I firmly believe that whilst money is important, there are other things that are more important. Money is not the driver for me.
For those of you who visit my site and know me, you’ll know that I also like to write about things like motivation, self-improvement, and life long learning, because we all have the capacity and desire to improve our own frame of mind. It’s also about the creation of freedom, empowering ourselves to make choices, reframing our thinking, the importance of balancing work and life, and the message that we are the creators of our own destiny.
To me, this is the stuff that can truly make us happy. The bigger questions like “why am I doing this?”, “why am I working so hard?” are the ones that tell us what’s important. For me, those questions are fairly easy to answer. It isn’t because I want money so that I can have ‘things’.
I’m going to explore ten things that I consider more important than money. There will be plenty more than these, but I’m focusing on the ones that are important to me.
1. Physical health
Anybody who has ever faced a serious health issue will tell you that your health is more important than money. Not only is it more important than money, it pretty much trumps everything, and as the saying goes “If you don’t have your health you have nothing.”
Listen to your body. Take care of it, because it’s the only one we will ever have. Invest in your health by eating well, staying active, and sleeping right. Your body is precious, give it the respect it deserves by taking the very best care of it that you can.
2. Mental health
Whilst your physical health is important, your mental health is equally important. Just because we may not see it, doesn’t make it any less real. With one in five people suffering from a mental illness at some point in their lives, mental health is something that we must prioritise.
Don’t sweep mental health issues under the rug. Treat mental health the same way you do as your physical health, and speak to people about it. Talk with professionals about it when you need to. Stop and take a breath. Ask yourself if you’re OK. If you’re not OK, find out what’s going on, speak to a professional, and take action. Look after your mental health.
You need to make your physical and mental health your top priorities.
3. Love
Whether it’s for your partner, your family, your children, your pets, or whoever it might be. Love can keep us going when we might feel like we have nothing. Whilst you feel love for others, never forget that others love you too.
4. Friendships
When we connect with people we feel human. The companionship of people you care about and share interests with can be affirming. We can share our experiences and connect with people which provides mutual benefits and support mechanisms. Our friendships are most meaningful when they don’t revolve around shared and meaningful experiences, rather than things we can afford – where at the heart of the friendship is the person.
5. Hobbies and passions
Our hobbies and passions can sometimes be the things that help us to get up each day. When we have something that drives us, or gives us something to look forward to. Think of the things you are passionate about, that make you feel excited. These are the things that can spice up our lives and give us a skip in our step.
Sometimes our hobbies and passions can lead to new friendships and networks. Sometimes, they can also lead us to new opportunities for learning and growth, and sometimes even business opportunities. Imagine having your own business that is based on your hobbies and passions – wouldn’t that be ideal?
6. Thankfulness
Being genuinely thankful for what we have keeps us grounded, and minimises those feelings of always wanting ‘more’. It’s important to stop and be thankful. It changes the way we feel, and can turn our feelings around leaving us uplifted.
Consider the things that you are thankful for. Is it things that occur in nature? Or more tangible things like something you own? Are you thankful for your friendships? Your job? Your ability to overcome obstacles? Your health? Waking up each day? Spending time with people you love? Your dog or your cat? The roof over your head? The meal you just ate? The kindness that a stranger showed you?
Make a list of things that you are thankful for, and then see how you feel after. Even better, start your day with a list of three things you are thankful for.
7. Helping others
Helping others and paying it forward provides an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. It doesn’t always need to cost anything to help someone, sometimes the best thing you can give to people is your kindness, and your ability to listen. It might be physically helping someone with something, or it might be paying someone a genuine compliment. It might be saying something that makes someone’s day, or giving them a sense of pride or accomplishment.
Helping others generates great karma and positivity.
8. Self-expression
Another wonderful gift we can give ourselves is that of self-expression. When we can communicate openly and honestly, and ‘be ourselves’ and share our inner-worlds with other people, the experience is invaluable. Sometimes it might be hard to truly express who we are for fear of what others might think. This could include the way we dress, or sharing views that we might hold that might be in step with what others think. Sometimes we feel the need to edit who we are.
If you can find a way to express who you really are and be true to yourself you will find that there are others who will accept you for that. Maybe not everyone, but there will be people who think you are wonderful just the way that you are.
9. Self development and personal growth
When we grow, personally and professionally, we feel great. We add to our suite of skills and experiences that make us better. When we are open to self development and personal growth, we are open to new opportunities and new ways of thinking. This might open doors for us in ways we never thought possible. Being open to growth is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.

10. Self evaluation and reflection
To be able to really stop and reflect about who we are is a skill that we all need in order to grow and make good decisions. Taking the time to think about our behaviours, things that we say and do, and how we handle situations is part of what helps us to be good people. This could involve having difficult ‘conversations’ with ourselves about what we might need to do differently. What are the areas that we need to focus on in order to grow? Why are we not where we want to be in life? Why do we keep getting feedback from people about something that we do? Why are others surging forward while we are stagnating?
Challenging ourselves to be better may not come easily but it helps us grow. We know that with growth comes opportunity.
My turn … things that I’m thankful for
There are many things that I’m thankful for. My family, my friends and my health. I’m thankful that I get to express myself through my websites, and I’m thankful that I can help people change their lives by opening up the possibility of new opportunities for them by establishing their own internet businesses. I’m thankful that I’m learning new things every day. I’m thankful that I have the ability to create the life that I want.
If you’re open to changes and growth, find out more about how you can turn your hobbies and passions into your own online business, here:
What is more important than money to you? Leave me a comment or question and I’m happy to help.
Hi Melissa, I will agree with you that money is not the end-all-be-all, just a means to an end. And yes, there are many more things that are more important. I find health, of the body and the mind, to be one of my priorities: it is something that we have control over, by and far, and when it goes down, it takes most other aspects of our lives down with it. Thanks for this great post! Go well, Isabel
Hi Isabel, thanks for sharing your thoughts here. You’re so right, our physical and mental health brings down other aspects of our lives when we’re not well. It’s important to make our health our priority.
I wish you all the very best.
I agree with all these things. I think if you strive to be the best you can be in all those categories, you’ll be able to live a great life. Money isn’t everything, but it definitely creates options and freedom. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Will, thanks for visiting my site and sharing your thoughts here. All the very best to you!
Hi Melissa! This is such a great reminder. I went to a training by a life and business coach not too long ago, and she had a list of 8 things that were all equally as important. And you’ve pretty much nailed all of them. In her training, she lumped ALL health into one category –> physical, mental, spiritual and financial. That’s something I always keep in mind.
I believe we’re here to experience all sorts of things in life, and to truly be able to experience it properly, you’ve got to have ALL the things you mentioned in your article.
Hi Christina,
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I wish you the very best.
Great Content… I have to agree with you 100% there are other things that are just as important then money. Yes I understand what you your saying , but wanted to know if you have any user friendly suggestion when passing this information on to my kids that are in middle school.
Hi Owassa,
Thanks you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I have conversations with my kids about this kind of stuff regularly. I think it’s about sharing what you think is important. I am always telling my kids that the most important things in their lives are their physical and mental health. They need to look after themselves and be kind to themselves first and foremost. It’s only when you love yourself that you open yourself up to other things in life.
I wish you the very best.