Make money online, anywhere: the view from my office October

Make money online, anywhere!

Making money online doesn’t get much better when you pick up your laptop, go outside, and follow the sunshine. Your office can literally be wherever in the world you like. You can make money anywhere. All you need to do is think about what location, or locations, take your fancy when you have a career from home.

In October, we headed down to Anglesea again. It’s one of our favourite places to get away and have a break. It’s so cruisy and laid back compared to Melbourne. The kids go nuts and I get to have a bit of a break too. I won’t post pictures of Anglesea this time around because I’m so often posting pictures of our adventures down there. Suffice to say we had a lovely time. The resident kangaroos and cockatoos came to visit, and we were happy to see them again.


Melbourne cafes full of deliciousness

Working on my laptop in cafes is something that I love to do. I like to watch the world around me as I sit at a table with my work. I hear people laughing, chatting to each other. Some people are having great days, others are not. Some are in a rush to get back to work, others are leisurely having some time out. Some are on the phone, others are kid wrangling. Some are reading. Some are watching YouTube. Others are people watching. Others are writing in journals.

Everyone has their own unique life, and happen to be in the same place at the same time. Drinking coffee made by the same barista, who says hello to each and every person who comes in. Sometimes she knows what people will order before they’ve asked.

I can’t help it. I have a sweet tooth. Melbourne cafes never disappoint me. The coffee is second to none, and now and then I’ll get a little treat too. Exploring new cafes of Melbourne makes working from home that little bit more delightful.

Sydney, I’ll be coming for you next month. It’s been a while and I’ll be so excited to see how your coffee stacks up against Melbourne’s!


Make money from anywhere

Melbourne Town Hall

Melbourne Town Hall is a beautiful and iconic Melbourne building. Every time I see it I’m happy that Melbourne is my home city.

Here is the Town Hall in her glory. There are so many places you can stop and work in Melbourne from your laptop if you choose to.


Make money from anywhere

The beautiful outdoors

My regular readers will know that when the sun is shining, I like to head outside and work to change things up a bit. It gives me some motivation to change the scenery, and I like to find places that inspire me.

This was a beautiful afternoon and whilst I did get some work done, to be honest I mostly just enjoyed the scenery! Sometimes a little break is just the thing that’s needed to stay at our best.


Work from anywhere in the world online

Work from anywhere in the world online


Our local parks

I often work in our local parks if the weather is good. Sometimes just an hour or two so that I can get out of the house. One of our local parks has some very cool graffiti. It changes quite frequently and I thought I’d share it with you.


Work from home or anywhere in the world

Our beautiful St. Kilda beach

One Sunday night my boys wanted to go to the beach. It had been a while since we’d been to our local beach. We spent hours there and watched as the sun started to go down. We would have stayed all night had it not become dark.

When they are playing for hours and hours and I’ve finished joining in, that gives me some time to think and plan about my business. Thinking and planning time is important for any business, and whilst I might not be working on my laptop, I’m noting new aspects of my business that I want to research. I’m reflecting on what has gone well, and what hasn’t gone so well. I consider what my priorities will be for the week ahead.

It’s time that I value, and what better to spend it than at dusk on the beach with my gorgeous boys?


Work from anywhere in the world online

Work from anywhere in the world online

Work from anywhere in the world online

What are you waiting for?

You too can enjoy a home office from wherever you want, whenever you want. Working from home really does allow a wonderful blend of balancing work and life.

The fact is, with an online career from home it’s up to you – work from home or anywhere in the world!

Read about how you can do that with the best way to make money online.

You have nothing to lose!

Click here to change your life today:

Change your life today


Drop me a note. Where is your favourite office location?





10 thoughts on “Make money online, anywhere: the view from my office October”

  1. Melbourne looks like a great place.  Unfortunately I have not had a chance to go yet.  I was a teacher in the VCE program in Nanjing for 3 years and prepared and sent hundreds of Chinese student to the University of Melbourne, Monash and RMIT.  From Facebook I see they loved it and many have been in Australia for 10 years now.

    I am in the Philippines right now and need a work at home job as I am retired from teaching.  Thanks for a little inspiration to give it a shot.

    Best regards,


    • Hi Joe, thanks for sharing. I have very happy memories of Melbourne University! It’s an awesome university. I studied there for a number of years, then also worked there for some time. I bet your students love it.
      I’m glad you got a little bit of inspiration. All the very best to you Joe.

  2. Great post and it motivates me.

    This view you have is amazing, and knowing it is possible works inspiring for me.

    I know it isn’t easy and it takes a lot of time, but see where you are, I want to be the same.

    Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect platform for me to make money.

    • Hi Emmanuel, Wealthy Affiliate really is a wonderful platform to teach you how to make a sustainable income online. I wish you all the best.

  3. I am from the US I can say Australia looks like one beautiful country I have always wanted to visit. Looks like you have a beautiful life full of happiness I know some negatives like we all. I know living that laptop lifestyle is something you love? I can say I know we can all do it we just have to believe and work towards our wildest dreams.

    One thing I have always believed (and it is the name of my website) no dream is impossible. I believe it is always mind over matter if we want it we will get it. 

    Just like working online if we want to really work online and actually make it as our business we can do it. To be honest I see your pictures and read about the experiences you have had in this one post. I can say that whoever else is reading this will get inspired to do more work harder to being their own boss. 

    Look at you you have done it so we can all do it.

    Thank you for the inspiring post about working online and getting people pumped up to work towards their dreams. I know I will be doing just that and loving every minute of it


    • Hi Matt, I’m glad you got a bit of inspiration from my post! I work really hard at this and I love it too. I wish you the very best Matt. Much success to you.

  4. Hi Melissa, the future job market is online! More and more people buy online and affiliate marketing is a legit and awesome way to get a grain from that billion dollar market. You and me have discovered this opportunity already. I love your views:) I work mostly at home, but I have the chance to change that anytime, to pick up my laptop and sit anywhere I like. I love this lifestyle! Success with your online endeavors, Melissa! 


    • Hi Loes, absolutely! The future job market is online. The world of work is changing so rapidly and people don’t need to think of work as just 9 to 5 working for other people anymore. So glad you’re loving your lifestyle too : )
      Much success to you Loes, and I wish you the best.

  5. I really love reading posts like these and finding out about other people that work from their laptop. I’ve been working from my laptop for the last year and a half. I have my base in the Netherlands right now but I’m probably going to Barcelona since I’m there so much.

    I used to do freelance copywriting but started doing affiliate marketing almost a year ago and I have to say its one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.

    • Hi Roger, that’s awesome! I love affiliate marketing too, it’s so much fun and allows a great work life balance. Happy travels to Barcelona. All the very best to you.


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