Make money online, anywhere: the view from my office November

Make money online, anywhere!

Making money online doesn’t get much better as the sun starts to shine. Your office can literally be wherever in the world you like. You can make money from anywhere. Think about what location, or locations, take your fancy – that location could be your next ‘temporary office’!

Each month I like to recap about a few of the ‘views from my office’ I’ve had. The laptop lifestyle means that I get to work where I choose when I’m working on my own sites.

November has been a fabulous month for me. I traveled to Sydney for a few days to take in the sights and attend a conference.

I hadn’t been to Sydney for a few years. Whilst I used to visit Sydney regularly, I think it had been about 12 years since my last visit! Wow. And considering it’s only an hour’s flight away I don’t know why I left it so long between visits.

Darling Harbour, Sydney

Darling Harbour was just as lovely as I remember it. This time I sat in a restaurant on the water, enjoyed the view with a cold drink, and looked out over the water. Darling Harbour in many ways reminds me of my home town of St. Kilda in Melbourne. It’s on the water, and visitors from near and far wander around in awe of their surroundings.

Darling Harbour

Darling Harbour pier

Darling Harbour pier

View from restaurant in Darling Harbour
Beautiful old boat on Darling Harbour

I’m pleased to report that the coffee was great! I wasn’t expecting the coffee to be up there with Melbourne coffee, but it did not disappoint. Unfortunately I was only in Sydney for a few days. See you next time Sydney, I’m looking forward to it already.

Watching our beautiful boys play

As always, I take the boys to our local parks for hours on end each weekend. They love it, and I love it too. I watch them play and sometimes I join in too. Our favourite game at the moment is to play hide-and-seek together in the park. The park isn’t too big that we can never find each other, but big enough that we do have to hunt around before we discover each other’s hiding places.

I will often spend a few of those hours on my laptop while the boys are playing. I often stop to take photos or videos.

Here they are climbing and having fun in the way that only kids can.

Our local park

Another one of our favourite parks

This little park is a delight. I had to share with you the fence that always makes me feel so happy when I walk past it.

Work from home or anywhere in the world

Our gorgeous St. Kilda beach at dusk

We absolutely love the beach. At peak sun though it can get quite hot, so sometimes we head down to the beach at dusk. The sun is going down, and the beach takes on a completely different atmosphere. I’ve always felt a connection with the beach, ever since I was little.

When I was very small we used to have a holiday house near the beach, and I have very fond memories of spending hours upon hours out in the sun on the sand and in the water. That must have been before we knew about the risks of skin cancer, because I remember putting 4+ sunscreen on then … Suffice to say we don’t do that anymore! I’ve always found the vastness of the water so beautiful and so calming. Watching the gentle movement of the water is hypnotic and I feel so peaceful as I sit on the sand and take in the sights and sounds of the beach in all its natural beauty.

I find the beach setting inspirational. It’s one of my favourite places to go and sit with my laptop and work, whilst utterly enjoying my surroundings and being appreciative of the beauty around me.

St Kilda beach at dusk

St Kilda beach at dusk

St Kilda beach at dusk

What are you waiting for?

You too can enjoy a home office from wherever you want, whenever you want. You can make money from ANYWHERE! Working from home or from whereer you want really does allow a wonderful blend of balancing work and life.

The fact is, with an online career from home it’s up to you – work from home or anywhere in the world!

Read about how you can do that with the best way to make money online.

You have nothing to lose!

Click here to change your life today:

Change your life today

Drop me a note. Where is your favourite office location?

6 thoughts on “Make money online, anywhere: the view from my office November”

  1. This is a really legit article which talked about the real perks of doing an online business from your home using the best online affiliate platform, Wealthy Affiliate I really have to appreciate you for writing this article and sharing this wonderful piece of information with people around us.

    • Hi Sujander, no worries. Thanks for visiting my site and sharing your thoughts.
      All the best to you.

  2. Very beautiful post. You spoke about the “Why”, why we need to do make money online. It not just money, but peace of mind, time to spend with family, do things that you want to do. Never were the features of the affiliate marketing highlighted, but just a link to explore more about Wealthy Affiliate. 

    I have been a Premium member 5 months now and I never thought that I would have my own website and moreover monetise the website. It’s an excellent opportunity and a very engaging community that is willing to help you along the way. 

    It’s been over a decade I have been to Sydney and Melbourne, but your pics did remind me of old memories out there. Thanks Melissa.

    • Hi Rudolph, I hope your Wealthy Affiliate journey is going well for you so far. I wish you all the best!

  3. First of all, your site is simple and direct. The advantages of making money online from anywhere and anytime is really what most of us are working hard to achieve. Having a home office and not having the pressure from a “boss” helps a lot.

    But one must work harder to actualise the goal of earning an income at your leisure time. The reward is adequate time for family ,freedom to take vacations and other engagements. I definitely want this life style because the average 9-5 jobs just get you into more debt. In my opinion  people should take calculated risks to achieve this because every body deserve a great life.

    • Thanks very much Edwin. I agree 100% that you have to work really hard at it to actualise income, it certainly doesn’t happen overnight.
      I wish you all the very best Edwin, and thanks for visiting : )


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