Hashing Ad Space Review – A New Revolution In Crypto?

Hashing Ad Space review

What is Hashing Ad Space? My Hashing Ad Space Review

You may have come across Hashing Ad Space, wondered what it was all about, and wondered whether you can make some money online with Hashing Ad Space. You may be considering whether Hashing Ad Space is a scam or a legitimate way to make money online. I’m glad that you’re here doing your research before jumping in. It’s important you understand what it’s all about and whether it is going to be worthwhile for you before going further. 

My Hashing Ad Space Review will take you through the following sections:

  • What is Hashing Ad Space?
  • How Hashing Ad Space works
  • Is Hashing Ad Space legit?
  • My recommended way of making money online

What is Hashing Ad Space?

Some basic info:

  • Website: https://www.hashingadspace.com
  • Brought to you by: Luke Millard
  • Recommended: No

Hashing Ad Space is something I came across a couple of weeks ago on a social platform called Webtalk, where I keep seeing the usual suspects there promoting the next shiny thing. I’m finding that I have an endless supply of new money making possibilities to investigate when I visit Webtalk, which is great for me.

One of the unfortunate things though, is that more often that not they turn out to be scammy or rubbish schemes that end up wasting people’s time and money, but it’s always interesting to go on the journey and find out what they’re all about.

I wanted to investigate this one because it‘s all about a new form of crytpcurrency. I don’t know much about cryptocurrency. It’s something that I’ve stayed away from investing in, and will likely continue to stay away from it. I do find it fascinating though and I always interested hearing about new forms of crypto, and new exchanges, so I just had to investigate this one further.

As I was reading all about Hashing Ad Space, it reminded me a lot of My Advertising Pays (also known as MAPS). MAPS was found to be a Ponzi-like scam, and its founders Mike Deese and Simon Stepsys got themselves into some hot water. Although Simon Stepsys does seem to be at it again. This review, however, is not about MAPS, it is about Hashing Ad Space. They do have some striking similarities.

How Hashing Ad Space Works

Hashing Ad Space review

Hashing Ad Space is an online advertising platform. The idea is that people pay to advertise on Hashing Ad Space. The community of people within Hashing Ad Space (i.e. people who are members) watch the ads to mint a new cryptourrency called “Asimi”. Minting crypto currency is the act of bringing new tokens into existence, and the Hashing Ad Space platform does just that.

It took me a while to get my head around what this is all about. In a nutshell:

  • People advertise their business on the Hashing Ad Space platform, and pay to do this using Asimi tokens
  • People register to watch ads and mint Asimi tokens that they can later exchange for Bitcoin.

It is the act of watching ads on Hashing Ad Space that mints the Asimi tokens each day.

The viewer of the advertisement earns the tokens each day based on the ads they have watched. The more ads they watch, and therefore the more tokens they mint, the greater their allocation of the newly minted Asimi that day. The Asimi is then paid into your online wallet.

Members who want to advertise can purchase advertising packages including Login Ads, Banner Ads, and Ad Minter. The advertising blocks can be purchased at $20 each

Once the members set up their campaigns, the platform does the rest.

Hashing Ad Space review

Asimi is designed for the sole purpose of online advertising purchase’s on Hashing Ad Space – this is the intended and only use. The advertising must be paid for in Asimi tokens. 

The Asimi token provides two solutions according to Hashing Ad Space:

  • “A freely exchanged utility token for use within the online advertising industry” and
  • “A unique method of minting that allows anyone to earn it from home.”

Apparently once you have made a successful withdrawal from your Hashing Ad Space account, you now have Asimi in your Asimi wallet in an account you are required to set up in the Waves Platform. Hashing Ad Space say that you sell that Asimi for Bitcoin so you can then withdraw the Bitcoin to your Bitcoin wallet, then withdraw to your bank or card.

Is Hashing Ad Space A Scam or Legit?

Honestly, I’m finding it hard to answer this question. I can’t call this a scam, because it does appear that the people viewing the ads are indeed minting Asimi, and exchanging it for usable currency. (I will preface that by saying that appears to be what is happening now – this is a relatively new scheme).

I hunted high and low for people to be writing about what a scam this was, but I did not find that. I did find positive reviews on the Hashing Ad Space Facebook page, showing an average 4.9 out of 5 rating based on the opinion of 127 people:

Hashing Ad Space Review

Hashing Ad Space say that you can start for free. There is no cost to start minting and no subscriptions. I believe you can simply register and start with no obligation and no credit card required.

On the flip side, I’m unclear as to the legality of this, and whether Asimi is a legitimate and licensed binary option. I would be interested to know how ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) feels about this new binary option.

ASIC has previously put out this media release about unlicensed binary option providers., and has provided warnings about investing in binary options. I’ll be watching Hashing Ad Space with interest over the next little while, as I can’t help but feel like ASIC will want to be all over this one. 

For those who are using the platform to advertise, the only people that see your ads are Hashing Ad Space members, and they view your ad solely to earn Asimi tokens. They could not care about what you are advertising or what your offer is. I personally don’t see how this platform can be an effective way to spend your advertising dollars. 

I personally will be staying well away from this one. I could never recommend anything where I’m not convinced that it’s entirely above board. To be very clear, I am not promoting Hashing Ad Space!

My Preferred Way To Make Money Online

Don’t waste your time and your hard-earned money on shiny new objects that sound like the newest and greatest thing ever. They usually over promise and under deliver. If they sound far too good to be true, they probably are.

If you are looking for a substantial and long term way to make real money online, go for something that is reputable, with a track record of excellence. My preferred platform teaches you how to build an online affiliate marketing business, and allows you to sign up for free to have a look around and see if it’s something that resonates with you. You even get two free websites, and the first ten modules of training for free. There is no credit card details required to sign up for a free account.

For anyone new to affiliate marketing, it’s a straightforward model that anyone can pick up and run with. There’s no risk involved, and there’s no gimmicks so you’ll earn actual money, not a made up cryptocurrency! Here’s a snapshot of the affiliate marketing model:

Affiliate Marketing - An Actual Career From Home

What you see is what you get. Nothing hidden, and nothing over promised. I personally use this platform and it is a genuine way to learn how to make money online the right way, using tried and true, legitimate techniques and methods.

Please leave me any comments or questions, and I'm always happy to help.

10 thoughts on “Hashing Ad Space Review – A New Revolution In Crypto?”

  1. Hey Melissa,

    This is really an unique and informative article. I liked your review on Hashing Ad space. I have heard about it before but the concept was never so clear than it is now to me. I was looking for expanding my business through advertising my products and offers. And a friend of mine suggested me this. But after reading your article I changed my mind. As it’s not a scam but still doesn’t work properly as it claims like other advertising platforms. So I will choose other options that are more useful. 

    Thank you for writing this helpful article.

    • Hi Mahin,

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing thoughts, and I’m glad you found the post useful.

      All the best to you.

  2. Well to be honest it does seem like a unique way to provide a cryptocurrency and a new advertising network…but I really can’t see this sort of thing lasting for long. 

    First of all is the traffic your ads will be getting – not exactly targeted or quality traffic, is it?

    Secondly, this Asimi seems pretty new to me, and at the same time pretty worthless. How long do you feel it will be linked to Bitcoin for? (personally I don’t see a long relationship!). 

    • Hi Chris,

      I agree, I can’t see this lasting for long, and the traffic really isn’t targeted. It seems like a waste of time and effort to me. I cannot see a long relationship between Asimi and Bitcoin either! Interesting concept though but I guess time will tell.

      All the best Chris.

  3. This is a new one for me, but some friends were recommending Hashing Ad Space and from their banter initially it sounded good. Before even visiting a sales page these days, I always do a Google search and see what the reviewers who are NOT promoting a product or service are saying to make a decision whether or not any further effort is necessary.

    Too often the answer is no. This Hashing Ad Space seems to be a borderline product for me. How many hours do you spend watching ads for what return is my question, and the cryptocurrency that you earn is new (so many new ones get introduced, and so many go broke or fade away in this market), and that market niche is still very unstable as we have seen with the bitcoin saga. 

    Perhaps I am a bit gun-shy, but I would rather put my efforts into more tested and proven techniques to make money online, the one platform you mention is a good one (Wealthy Affiliate). The idea is to trade less time for more income, so even if the Hashing Ad Space platform is legitimate, you are not able to scale this up to any substantial degree.

    Thanks for the good information, I have made up my mind that the Hashing Ad Space is not for me, I have too many other ways right now that are making money and where I am putting the work in once and earning month after month from commissions or from product sales. 

    • Hi Dave,

      I’m with you – I’d much rather put my efforts into more proven ways of doing business online that are less transactional and more sustainable and scalable. I appreciate your thoughts here Dave and I wish you all the best.


  4. Thank you for taking the time to review on Hashing Ad Space. It is nice that it is free, but unless all of these members want to buy something, I can not fathom how this would work. I appreciate that you took the time to explain. Again, I too can not wrap my head around cryptocurrency.

    • Hi Colleen,

      I agree. I really don’t see how the members would actually be buying anything … This program doesn’t make much sense to me either.

      Thanks for visiting my site Colleen and sharing your thoughts.


    • Hello Hashing Ad Space!

      I have no doubt you love the concept 🙂

      It’s not my cup of tea but I do wish you all the best.



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