Views from my office April 2018

For those of you who might be new to my site, I often write about the views from my office. Because I have an online career from home, my office is anywhere I want it to be. I can work from home or anywhere in the world I choose. So, for a bit of fun, I like to share with my readers the views that I have from my ‘office’.   I hope you enjoy and feel inspired!


The Easter break

It’s hard to believe we’re nearly at the end of April. How did that happen?  This last month has been action packed as usual. In our family we’ve had some great times and some adventures, but some not so great times as well with with a few bouts of being a bit unwell.  We try not to let that get us down though!

Our boys had their school holidays over the Easter break, and that’s always fun at our place.  The boys still love doing an Easter egg hunt, so my husband and I hide the eggs the night before and then watch the hunt unfold in the early hours of Easter Sunday morning.  I always buy too many eggs, but that’s all part of the fun.

Easter eggs

We also try to go on a little holiday at Easter time, and again this year the boys and I went to one of our favourite places in the world, Angelsea, for a little bit of rest and relaxation.  For my boys this means some extra freedom, where they pretty much go out and come back when they are hungry and thirsty, or decide that they want to go for a swim.  This suits me fine as it’s a time when I take out my laptop and doing some good, focused work.  Work feels different though, on holidays, and there is something so nice about working in different surroundings.

At this time it was also the Commonwealth Games.  I don’t usually watch the Commonwealth Games, but this year I was captivated by it.  Maybe because it was holidays and I could just leave the TV on all day and watch it when something took my fancy.

Anglesea, one of our favourite holiday spots

Our Anglesea cabin is within a holiday park that’s full of families just like us – parents wanting to get out of the city for a few days, and kids making new holiday friends and playing from when the sun comes up til well after it goes down.  You can feel the city stress leaving, and the holiday vibe taking over.  To add to the beauty of the place, there’s the native wildlife that like to visit, and again we were very lucky enough to see our favourite family of kangaroos who came to visit.  This time we were prepared and had some food ready for them, which they happily accepted from our hands.

The cockatoos, whilst we love them, tend to cause a little bit of damage with their beaks so we were careful to only leave some bits and pieces for them on the grass rather than the verandah.  The cockies are quite assertive though and were wanting their breakfast!  They had this look like “come on just give it to me now! Hurry up!”

When the boys are out in the playground with their new holiday friends, I get down to work.  I have a table outside on the porch, and there’s also tables out in the public area so that if I choose to I can be there while the kids are playing.  Given that the boys are a little older now, I stay on the porch.  These holidays are so ideal for us, as I get a change in scenery, and the boys have the time of their lives.  We’re also close to the beach here, so we head off to the beach for a few hours to swim and climb on the rocks.

Here are some pictures from my temporary office:

Work from home the view from my office

Work from home the view from my office

Work from home the view from my office

Work from wherever you want whenever you want

Arthurs Seat, always a beautiful day out

Another one of our favourite places is the Mornington Peninsula, and Arthurs Seat is truly lovely.  We regularly take a day trip down there.  Our boys go tree surfing there and they absolutely love it.  It’s great for me too. I don’t do the tree surfing as I actually find it a bit scary (it’s very high!!) and it’s harder than it looks. I’m not cut out for tree surfing.  I say to the boys “I have more fun cheering you on!” which I do.

Whilst they’re up in the trees with their climbing harnesses on, and I’m cheering from the ground, it also gives me time to think.  I love thinking time, because I feel like I never get enough.  I think about my websites, and think about new ideas, new topics to write about, ideas that I can research, and people I can speak with.  Whilst I don’t take my laptop with me, I do take a notebook.  By the end of the day, I come home full of new ideas ready for implementation the next day.


Work from home the view from my office

Work from home the view from my office


When you build your career from home, you can work anywhere you want, whenever you want. You are the boss, so you decide!


Why work anywhere else, other than where you choose?

You too can enjoy a home office from wherever you want, whenever you want.  It might be the comfort of your own study, bedroom or loungeroom. It might be outside in your backyard or on your balcony. It might be at your favourite cafe, or your local library. It might be at your local park.  It might even be in another country. The fact is, it’s up to you.


Find out how to work from wherever you want whenever you want

This is the best way I have found to make money online, and it is suitable for anyone.

Read all about who can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate HERE.


You too can work from anywhere in the world online with a career from home.

You have nothing to lose!

Drop me a note.  Where is your favourite office location?





8 thoughts on “Views from my office April 2018”

  1. I l love that you are a digital nomad Mama!! This is a very appealing lifestyle for me. Your work and your travels are very inspiring. I enjoy knowing your story and I especially appreciate how much your family is benefiting from these exciting adventures. Thank you for the glimpse into your very successful career!

    • Hi Kathleen, your “digital nomad Mama” comment gave me a giggle. I do love being able to take my laptop with me wherever I go and get some work done if the mood takes me. We don’t often go anywhere exotic though! Our boys are still young so I do love taking them to new places when we can manage it. I hope that they grow up with wonderful memories of their childhood. It’s all for them : )

  2. Hi Melissa,

    wow, that makes me somewhat jealous. I also work from home every now and then (currently I am working 50% from the office and 50% from home), which makes a pretty nice mix, so I can relate to what you are saying above (even though I never get to see kangaroos from my office, which is a shame). I really like the idea of going 100% self-employed with content marketing, and that is my ultimate goal.

    One risk I see, though, is that being self-employed and being *able* to work from everywhere (even though one should take a few days off during vacation) also *makes* you work everywhere and all the time. How do you deal with that? How do you distance yourself from your self-employment when you *should* be off duty?

    Cheers and all the best to you, your family and your business.

    • Hi Chris, your 50 / 50 sounds like a nice balance. I find that I can manage my work from home very easily actually. I don’t feel obligated to work all the time, and I often have decent breaks so that I do get to spend some real quality time with my family. I can’t say that it’s ever been an issue for me.
      All the very best to you Chris.

  3. Hi Melissa

    Thanks for a very inspirational post. I would love to work from home full time, Do you have enough time?
    I always find that when I do work from home it is very easy for me to get distracted, my wife wants me to do something, my kids want something there are normal jobs to be done.
    Do you have a system in place that helps you achieve your work without getting distracted?


    • Hi Drew, I don’t know – is there ever enough time for anything we want to do? I could certainly use more time that’s for sure. I don’t tend to get distracted when I work from home, more than I would when I work in an office. I set myself a very clear list of goals that I need to accomplish in that day, and I systematically work through them.
      All the very best Drew.

  4. Nothing like having freedom of time and being able to enjoy unique moments with family and friends. All the effort made now is worth it. Congratulations and much more success for you.

    • Hi Roberto, thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Spending time with family and friends is what it’s all about : )


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