Airtasker Review: Does Airtasker Work?

Is Airtasker a Legit Way To Earn Money?

Airtasker is an online job marketplace. Airtasker provides an online open marketplace connecting two types of members – the Poster who needs to outsource tasks to be done, and the Tasker who wants to earn money working on tasks. Airtasker has a range of tasks that can be done from home, together with tasks that will require you to be in a physical location to complete the work. The tasks you opt in for are completely up to you.
In this Airtasker review we’ll find out if Airtasker is worth your time and effort. We will answer the question ‘is Airtasker a scam or legit?

Let’s take a look at Airtasker.

Airtasker Review: Does Airtasker Work?

Some basic information about Airtasker:

  • Website:
  • Founded by: Tim Fung and Jonathan Liu in 2011
  • Price to join: Free
  • Prerequisites: Age 18 or over; available in Australia, the United Kingdom and Ireland
  • Recommended: Yes, if you’d like to earn some extra cash

My Airtasker review will take you through the following sections:

  • What is Airtasker and how does Airtasker work?
  • How do you get paid with Airtasker?
  • Is Airtasker legit?
  • My recommended way of making money online

What is Airtasker and how does Airtasker Work?

There are a range of tasks available, from simple through to complicated. Tasks cover a broad spectrum of activities, such as home cleaning, handyman jobs, administration, photography, graphic design to building websites and many more. Here are the categories of work available:

Airtasker categories of tasks
There are a range of tasks that can be done remotely, whilst others require you to physically be at a location to complete the task. If you’re looking for remote work only, you can filter your search. There are lots of tasks that can done from your own home such as writing, social media, web, providing CV support and other administrative type tasks.

You choose the tasks that you would like to complete for the people that you’re happy to work with. You’re in control of your own schedule and creating your flexible work-life balance.

Here’s a summary of how Airtasker works:

Signing up to Airtasker is straight forward, and to get started all you’ll need is an email address. However, at various stages you’ll need to verify some information, such as your mobile phone number and bank account details in order to receive payment. It is a good idea to create a descriptive profile, as well as a profile picture. This will increase the likelihood of a Poster assigning a task to you.

Once you have signed up you can make offers on tasks that you are appropriately skilled to complete. You tell the Poster why you’re the best person to complete the task. If a task is assigned to you, you can then start a conversation with the Poster via private messaging and arrange further details about completing the task.

It’s important that you complete your work to a high standard, and follow the Community Guidelines within Airtasker. Both Posters and Taskers are able to leave reviews, and if you want to have consistent work available to you, then you want to maximise your rating by doing excellent work and being positive to deal with.

How Do You Get Paid With Airtasker?

Once you accept an offer on a task, the agreed upon amount is held securely within Airtasker Pay until the task is complete. When the task is complete, the Poster needs to release the payment. It is then transferred into your verified bank account.

It’s important to know that there are service fees payable, so you’ll need to factor this in when you make an offer on a task.

The service fee is an amount you pay to Airtasker when you’re assigned a task you’ve made an offer on. The service fee for each task you offer on is calculated according to your current “tier.” The service fee can range from 10-20% of the task price. Tax is then also added into the fee. The tier you belong to is based on how much you have earned over the previous 30 days. The higher the amount you earn and the higher your tier, the lower your fee for new tasks.

There are 4 tiers. You start at the Bronze tier. This attracts a 20% service fee for earning less than $1,000 in the last 30 days. You can then advance to the Silver tier, which attracts a 16.% service fee for earning $1,000+ in the last 30 days. The next tier is Gold which attracts a 12.7% service fee for earning $2,500 in the last 30 days. The final tier is Platinum which attracts a 10% service fee for earning $5,000+ in the last 30 days.

Tips For Getting the Most Out of Airtasker

Plan your strategy before start scanning the tasks, or you may find yourself scrolling through open jobs for hours and hours without getting very far. Start with one type of job you want to do so you can secure your first review, and build from there. Don’t try to be everything to everyone on your first day.

Ask for a review every time you complete a task so that you can build up your profile on the website which will help you land future jobs and more money.

Plan your schedule so that you can use Airtasker as a side hustle to either boost your work if you’ve got downtime, and/or if you want to increase your skills and experience in a specific area.

    Is Airtasker A Scam or Legit? It’s LEGIT! Airtasker is legit!

    Airtasker is absolutely legitimate. Reviews online suggest that the fees are quite high, which is disappointing. However, if you know that going in to Airtasker, the choice is yours whether you take the work on or not. Make sure you do your homework before you sign up, and understand what your pay will be based on the service fees when you make an offer.

    Some Other Great Ways to Make Money From Home

    Check out my list of ways to Earn Extra Money From Home. This includes cash back sites, get paid to sites, using your skills sites, surveys and website testing.
    Whilst extra money is awesome, you can earn more than extra money doing ad hoc tasks. Build your own websites that are uniquely yours that will grow with you over time to create a sustainable and lucrative income. Check out my preferred way to make money from home – this can work for ANYONE regardless of who you are, and you don’t need any special knowledge or skills to get started.

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