Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review 2019
For anyone who has a website and relies on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) as their main source of free traffic, they will understand the importance of keyword research, and the need for a quality keyword research tool.
When it comes to finding keywords for my articles and new websites, I couldn’t do without Jaaxy in my business. Jaaxy is the only tool I rely on. Jaaxy is the best keyword search tool I have found yet. Jaaxy will find you high traffic keywords with low competition for all types of online marketing and will significantly reduce the time you spend on researching keywords.
So what is keyword search, and why is it important?
If you are aren’t familiar with keyword research just yet, you will learn that this is critical when you are creating content for your websites. In fact, according to Neil Patel, “Keyword research is the blueprint for your online marketing efforts, driving every decision you make.” As far as Neil is concerned, keyword research is the most important part of digital marketing.
A keyword is simply a word or phrase that people search for in the search engines. Every time you do a google search you are entering a “keyword” into the search box.
There are over 500 million brand new keywords searched every day in Google alone. In order to leverage the billions of keywords in existence, you need a keyword tool that can do the hard work for you and dig as deep as you want.
There are millions of keywords in every niche, leading to incredible potential. Every time you build content on your website, every page will target a brand new keyword that can be ranked. Keywords are the cornerstone of any successful, high ranking website. A keyword search tool is imperative.
An example of a keyword search, and why a keyword tool is necessary
Here is an example search I did in Google. The search term “best dog breeds” is my chosen keyword, just off the top of my head. Google has returned the following most relevant results (see below) based on my search.
When I click on one of these results, I am taken to a website that has been ranked in Google. If I purchase something from that page or click an ad, that website owner makes money as a result. However, the search term “best dog breeds” is quite broad, so we might need to tighten up the search so we can get some very targeted traffic.
Let’s take a look at some Jaaxy results. Here, I have keyed in “Best dog breeds”, as I did before when I did my Google search.
The results show that “best dog breeds” as a search term isn’t great. Whilst the average number of searches for that keyword per month (Avg) is 7,592, the quoted search results (QSR) meaning the number of competing websites ranked in google for this exact keyword is high with 165; the keyword quality indicator (KQI) only sees this as an “OK” keyword.
As you can see from the Jaaxy results, there are several columns of “keyword data”. These are all very important when it comes to choosing keywords that are going to be useful to you.
- Keyword. This is the search phrase that the data to the right of it is representing. The keyword must make grammatical sense. If the keyword doesn’t make grammatical sense, don’t use it.
- Avg. This is the overall monthly traffic this search term gets, globally. You want this number to be over 30
- Traffic. This is the estimated amount of traffic you will get if you rank on the first page of Google under this term.
- QSR. This is Quoted Search Results, and is the exact number of results in Google that you are competing with under this search phrase. This indicator is really showing you how much competition you have. You want this number to under 100, and the lower the number the better.
- KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator). Jaaxy works this out for you, and categorises your search terms. Go with the ones that make grammatical sense and are green for “Great’.
In this example, far better keywords would be “Best dog breeds for people with allergies” and “Australian dog breeds”. Both of these search terms make grammatcial sense, have a monthly search of greater than 30, a QSR less than 100, and are “Great” according to Jaaxy.
If I were to use either of those as my keywords rather than just “best dog breeds” I would be found more easily as a result of a Google search.
So you can see why it’s important to understand the search terms that people key in to Google and other search engines, and the importance of a tool to help do the work for you.
Here is a link so you can try it out for yourself. When you are finished, just hit the back button to return to this page.
Alphabet Soup Technique
“What on earth is the alphabet soup technique?” I hear you ask. Well essentially it is a keyword research technique that makes use of the google auto complete feature of the search engine, without you needing to do the work.
So when you go into Google, you’ve seen Google auto complete words as you’re keying them in? Well think about that on steroids within the Jaaxy tool!

This is just a snippet for the letter “A”, it goes through the entire alphabet.
The Alphabet Soup technique within Jaaxy certainly saves a lot of time and you can immediately research each keyword individually for competition and traffic volume potential.
This technique has huge potential and can help you immensely with content creation ideas and research.
Tracking Your Keywords for Ranking in Google, Bing and Yahoo
Jaaxy has the incredibly helpful feature of being able to check specific keywords you've used to see how they're ranking in Google, Bing and Yahoo. It's so easy to use. Just enter the keyword and Jaaxy does the rest for you.

These images show the Jaaxy results of some random posts I chose from my site. You can see that for the keyword "Impact101 review", the post is at position 8 on Google, position 10 on Yahoo, and doesn't yet feature on page 1 of Bing. Conversely, for the keyword "make money with Webtalk" this keyword is at position 6 on Bing, 7 on Yahoo, but has not yet reached page 1 of Google.
You can also track these keywords over time to see how they are performing.
Other AMAZING features of Jaaxy
Finding Affiliate Programs
If you’re looking for lucrative affiliate opportunities, you can search, find and analyse affiliate programs using the Affiliate Program search function. Within the Jaaxy database there are over 15,000 affiliate programs.
Finding Available Domains
Every search within Jaaxy will show you which .com, .org and .net domains are available for the given keyword. This is a quick and powerful way to come up with valuable domains. You can also save and manage your domain lists ready for purchase.
Understanding Your Competition’s SEO
Jaaxy allows you to understand what your competition is doing in terms of SEO and determine the factors that are contributing to their rankings. Jaaxy uses its algorithm to take the results from any search and uncover what the top ranked websites are doing.
Jaaxy is fully integrated with Wealthy Affiliate

Jaaxy is completely integrated for both Wealthy Affiliate Starter and Premium members.
Jaaxy Starter
This membership is an introduction to Jaaxy. You can get a taste of the power of Jaaxy with the Wealthy Affiliate free starter membership along with some features including the Keyword Search, QSR (Competition Data), Domain Search, SiteRank, Keyword Lists, and the Alphabet Soup Platform.
Jaaxy Lite
The Jaaxy Lite membership is available at no cost for Premium Wealthy Affiliate members. It includes everything in the starter plus unlimited keyword searches and more SiteRank features.
Jaaxy Pro
This a powerful version of Jaaxy and includes unlimited access keyword searches, a more robust SiteRank tool to track your keyword rankings site wide. It includes a larger subset of search results than Lite.
Jaaxy Enterprise
The Enterprise version is targeted towards intermediate to an advanced online marketers, affiliate marketers, merchants, amazon sellers, and local marketers. It takes automation of SEO to a whole new level with SiteRank Tracking that allows you to automatically track your rankings in Google, Bing and Yahoo over time.
If you combine Jaaxy with Wealthy Affiliate, you have huge leverage with your online business.
Jaaxy Pricing

Pricing is reduced with a Premium Wealthy Affiliate Membership
- Jaaxy Lite = free with Premium Wealthy Affiliate Membership
- Jaaxy Pro = $49/month, $499/year
- Jaaxy Pro (with Premium Wealthy Affiliate Membership) = $19/month, $199/year ($30/month, $300/year savings)
- Jaaxy Enterprise = $99/month, $999/year
- Jaaxy Enterprise (with Premium Wealthy Affiliate Membership) = $49/month, $499/year ($50/month, $500/year savings)
One of the many great things about both Jaaxy and Wealthy Affiliate is the ability to test things out for free without having to provide any credit card details. If you like the products and see value in upgrading to paid versions, you can. You can also remain a free member with no obligation to upgrade. Either way, you win.
What other keyword tools have you used? Be sure to leave me a comment or a question and I'll be happy to help.
Keyword research is very important to anyone into online business. I’m a newbie in online business and I have been concerned about the best keyword research and I’m glad I came across your site. I have seen jaaxy somewhere but I never understood how it works not until I read this post. Thanks for sharing this information.
Hi Dhayours,
You’re welcome. Keyword research is critical to your online business. Check out Jaaxy and see if it works for you 🙂
It doesn’t matter how much research and reading I do about search engine optimisation and keyword research tools, I always, always learn more. I use Jaaxy myself, and I love the tool, but I have never used the alphabet soup tool, because I just didn’t know what it did. Thanks for sharing. I think I might have to upgrade soon!
Hi Josie,
Check out the feature – you will love it! The only problem I ever have with Jaaxy is that I get too many ideas from it and I want to write about them ALL! But all the features are so cool that I can save keyword lists, and with the WA integration I often use the keywords and save them as draft posts for later. So many features that help me with my site.
All the best to you Josie.
Spot on that keyword research is essential to online marketing. Without knowing what keywords to target you are shooting in the dark. I personally love Jaaxy – I have been using it from 2015 and it has been a game changer for me.
I love how it gives me all the information that I need so quickly enabling me to make decisions about the content I write, ensuring that the content I create is what my audience is looking for.
It also comes packed with all those great features you mentioned. I love using it to track the keywords that I am trying to rank for.
The best part for me is that I don’t pay a thing to use it since this is one of the amazing free tools that I get with my Wealthy Affiliate membership!
Hi Lynne,
It really is so cool that the tool is free with Wealthy Affiliate membership. I still have to pinch myself about all of the features available within WA. They provide everything you need for a successful online business.
It did take me a little while to utilise Jaaxy to its full potential and now I couldn’t do without it.
All the best Lynne.
I often spend a lot of time on my keyword research for my articles…only to find out that it’s near enough impossible to get higher than the 3rd page of Google’s results!
I now think it’s about time I change my SEO tool to something more effective…
The one drawback I have with this Jaaxy tool is the learning curve, as I’m not really used to using pro keyword tools. How hard is it to use overall?
Hi Chris,
It’s seriously easy to learn. Very self explanatory. Just dedicate the time to get your head around it and you’ll be seeing the benefits in no time.
All the best Chris.
Jaaxy is a powerful tool for online marketers. This article gives those details so well. I can attest to it that it helps so much because I have tried it out. It helps you know the low fruit key words and in association with wealthy affiliate the combination of the two is what young marketers need today.
I want to ask that, If you are not a premium member at wealthy affiliate, can you still use this powerful tool? Is it only free when you are premium in wealthy affiliate? I am sure someone is wondering about it like I am.
Hi Lerakinz,
Yes isn’t it great for finding the low hanging keywords? There is a free starter version to try Jaaxy out. It is a limited offering but is a great introduction to the tool to see if you would find value. If you are not a Wealthy Affiliate premium member, the Pro version is $49 per month, and the Enterprise version is $99 per month.
I hope that’s helpful. All the best.
I wish to support your review of Jaaxy Keyword Research tool. It is very accurate, based on my personal experience with this product.
I have just started my online business, by building myself a niche website. At the beginning, I had no understanding of SEO or how important keywords were. Actually, my whole understanding of the fundamental values behind the creation of a website was very limited, until I finally registered and used Jaaxy.
At first, I didn’t think Jaaxy was a useful tool, and avoided using it. However, that perspective, quickly changed when I realized that my website, was not getting any attention by the search engines.
Today, I would have to say, that, Jaaxy is now the most reliable and useful research tool in my online business.
The Alphabet Soup Technique that you mentioned is a unique function of Jaaxy, and it is my favorite. I use this technique, when I am looking for keywords in titles or headings, to use in my blog contents.
I also find, that the subscription fee is very affordable, for such a valuable and effective tool.
So far the Jaaxy Research tool has helped my site, to be ranked number one on the first pages of, Google, Bing and Yahoo.
I don’t think I will ever stop using Jaaxy.
Hi Iliaisaane,
I was in your shoes a couple of years ago! I was unaware of the power of keyword research and I wasn’t a fan of Jaaxy. It wasn’t until I really understood the importance of keywords that Jaaxy became a crucial tool for me in my business. Now I rely on Jaaxy as my go to keyword research tool. I couldn’t get by without it.
I’m glad you’re using Jaaxy now and getting so many benefits from it. Thanks for sharing your story here, I appreciate it.
All the best to you.
I have been using Jaaxy ever since I joined WA just over three months ago. Your article explained the most effective ways to use Jaaxy for building a successful online business. I liked how you gave the functions of the various Jaaxy columns and also explained how these can be used to research keywords.
Your test example of Best Dog Breeds on how to adjust this keyword for more effectiveness, was very valuable. The rationale for relating how the keywords relates to the Jaaxy keywords terms and how these can impact ones ranking in the search engines drove the important role Jaaxy can play in saving us time and also giving us an edge.
Making the connection between a Googls search and the Aphabet Soup feature in Jaaxy taught me something new. I was already aware of this feature but didn’t know how to use it effectively.
There is only one additional point I would have like to have seen. When I first came across the concept of keywords, I assumed that this meant using only one word to conduct a search. You made it clear that keywords was actually the grammatically correct phrases the people use to find answers to our questions in the search engines. Hence keywords are really key phrases. Stating that would clear up any misunderstanding a novice may have.
Thanks for writing this article. The way you linked it with Wealthy Affiliate was a great idea. The option of having the Jaaxy lite tool for free as a Wealthy Affiliate Free or Premium member provides tremendous value. It makes it a no brainer to become a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate before the one week free period is over. You gave just the right amount of information to peak the interest of your reader to at least try WA out for free. Since your focus was Jaaxy, I was glad to see you didn’t delve too deep into Wealthy Affiliate. Anyone who signs up for free will get all the information they need to make an informed decision to go Premium or not.
Great job with this Jaaxy review.
Hi Edwin,
Thanks for your comments and feedback about my Jaaxy Review post.
I agree that it’s a no brainer to become a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate. There’s so much value in the membership.
With regards to the free aspect of the membership of WA, people can remain as free starter members for as long as they wish. The first week the price is reduced for the first month of premium membership, however many WA starter members have remained as starter members for quite some time.
Thanks Edwin for stopping by and sharing your thoughts here. All the best with your WA and Jaaxy online journey!